Helsing Beelzly ref

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Voice: Since Helsing is always changing form, he also hs the ability to change his voice. So no one really knows what his actual voice sounds like. But he does sound like Tayler Lautner. (may change later)

Name: Helsing Beezly

Pesonality: laid back, doesn't usually engage in things unless he feels like he has too, does have a temper if pushed too far, comes off as a creep, very flirtacious, doesn't really know when to stop until someone beats his a$$

Species: Jackel snake demon hybred

Age: 19

Family: Damian: Dad, Elijah: Other dad, Narissa: Grandmother, Devil: Grandfather, Jack: Cousin, Lacy: Younger cousin

Appearance: Red hair/tail, dark red skin, pink and black checkers along snout, bones and a bit of flesh is showing, lack jacket with pink trim, and red pocket/sleeves, spiked collar, black jeans, red and black shoes, one eye has a downwards cross pupil and the other is a black and red snake eye

Powers/Abilities: Where do I begin.....Being the grandson of the devil he has many magical abilities which includes the power of flight, shapeshifting, teleporting, and many other things using his dark magic, he's best known for his expert mind to cut deals though, he can also summon a pitchfork and has a more demonic form shown above

Bonus: Helsing is the spawn of Prince Damian and Elijah via dark magic. Around the time he was born, they didn't know the demon they'd unleashed until much later.

Helsing is named after a famous hunter. This could've been a clue to his nature, but most didn't see his true personality until his teens. He's always had a fascination for making deals that would be almost impossible to pay back much like his grandfather. Which is how he gotten most of the stuff he wanted as well as stuff for his best friend Dimitri. He is notorious for his flirts which he usually uses to lure his victims in.

Besides his deals and Dimitri, he usually doesn't get involved in anyone else's business. Lacey is a small exception and he only does it to keep her to himself. Mostly though, he just sits back and enjoys a good show. Really though he is a pretty chill and decent enough demon to be around.

Helsing suffers from a birth defect known as congenital analgesia. Which means he can't feel pain......or physically anything really. His family has tried multiple times to get him to accept help to fix this but he usually uses this to his advantage of fights. He isn't as tall as Elijah but is most definitely taller than most at his school. Despite not being able to feel anything through skin, he is able to feel emotions and sleepy. Magic takes up a lot of energy. It was first discovered how serious his condition really was when, after one of his victims refused to pay their part of a deal, things got a little........messy and resulted in him getting dosed in holy water. Of course it burnt his features without him realizing it. Indigo had to practically force him to Keiko's office to be treated. It left his face disfigured with one eye healing back different, and a chunk of his tail gone.

Despite his mostly laid back personality, he's a lot smarter than he looks. Indigo has had trouble keeping his promise to the royal family and keeping Helsing out of trouble. Helsing loves to push his buttons in a calm way just to get a reaction out of him. Though Helsing is possessive over the few trusting friends (being 2) he does know of Dimitri's crush on his friend Damation and plans on getting those 2 together one way or another. Currently he has his eyes set on an unknowing female for his choice of a mate, but he can wait a little longer before he claims what's his.

 Currently he has his eyes set on an unknowing female for his choice of a mate, but he can wait a little longer before he claims what's his

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(I change the look of his damaged eye and made his skin a lighter pink.) Helsing has major feelings for Margo but has a weird way of showing it. They get together during the events of Safe Haven's Angel.

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