Gem-Stone ref

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Voice: Crymini here

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Voice: Crymini here

Name: Gem-Stone

Personality: stubborn, blunt, trickster, loud, open to those she's close to, not afraid to speak her mind

Age: Unknown. Physically 18

Species: Demon werewolf

Family: Husk: Father, Crymini:Mother, Wild-Card: Older half brother, Dexter: Older half brother

Appearance: grey fur with dark pink patches/ eyes, red hair/tail/ with pink heart markings, diamond strands, yellow heart birthmark on cheek, small black stripe and white tips on hair and tail, black and blue outfit with crossbones, spiked collar, and card themed ear rings, small red wings with diamond markings.

Full Demon Mode/Powers: doesn't really have any abilites beyond collecting souks and not ageing like other demons. But when full demon, all the dark pink spots on her body turn red, her fangs enlarge, and she becomes more feral. Is the most strongest after Angel-Cake. She has some black magic but she can only levitate things and summon knives.

Bonus: Gem-Stone is the youngest of the kids at the hotel and was the result of too much partying by Husk and Crymini. Husk was.....devastated to say the least when he found out what they had done under the influence of alcohol. How could be betray Charlie like this?! They already had a little kitten! Crymini didn't fair much better when the situation came back to haunt her. Didn't she already got through the same thing with Dexter?!

For a while the two had a silent agreement to keep it a secret and keep it to themselves, but it was pretty hard when Crymini kept throwing up at random times and her stomach increased in size. Charlie was the first to approach Crymini with a bright smile and was happy for her, but stunned back when the she wolf began crying and babbling to her what happened. To both of their surprise, she wasn't mad. Hurt and annoyed that they didn't tell her? Yes. Upset they would drink so much and do this? Absolutely. But not mad. The three talked for a good amount of time and eventually came to the agreement that Crymini and Husk should raise the kid to make up for their actions.Crymini accepted the responsibility of mother for her.

Because her and Gem-Stone have similar personalities, they often but heads. Which often resulted in full blown screaming arguements or sometimes a slap or two from Crymini. After an incident when Gem-Stone found her mother crying after an intense fight with her, she's toned down her temper but usually focuses it on anyone who angers her. She's closer to Husk who is often the won she'll go too when she's upset because of his calming attitude. People often mistake her and Crymini for sisters rather than mother daughter, though this might be because of their similar personalities or Crymini's Physical appearance.

She's pretty protective of pack. Mostly her mother and Dexter because of Dexter's condition. In reality it's also the same with her and Wild-Card. He has a lot of pressure on him from his grandmother and she would flip if she ever saw Gemmy. Her attitude sometimes gets the best of her and it's either Wild-Card or Crymini that has to drag her out of these situations. She's the first one to apologize after a fight, and does NOT let anyone touch her brothers. If anyone's gonna give her brothers a good thumpin' it's her. Being the youngest at the hotel, a lot of others treat her like their little sister.

Despite her temper, she has a trickster personality and sometimes teams up with Angel-Cake, Maizy, and sometime Beauty to play pranks on others. She could sometimes be found chasing Alastor while barking like a dog if she's not with her girlfriend(she's panromantic). She looks up to her older brothers alot. If something goes wrong, the first one she goes to is her father as he is more cuddly and understanding about certain situations than Crymini is.

She knows she was a mistake of too much booze and sometimes she does wonder if she was really meant to be there. Crymini TRIES to be a good mom and offers her and Dexter to come party and hang out with her. While these seem more of a friend thing than a mom thing, Gemmy does appreciate her attempts. Her biggest annoyance is Vanilla. Villa knew Crymini and as a result Vanilla views Gemmy as her officially best friend and will drop by unannounced to drag her into a shopping spree or something. She puts up with her because 1. She often reminds her of Beauty, and 2. Vanilla IS Angel-Cake's cousin and she's with Dexter. She doesn't want any bad blood between their families. But she does get highly annoyed when Vanilla randomly flirts with her brother.

She has some qualities from Husk, such as wings and black magic. Her magic isn't as strong as Wild-Card's and so far she's only able to levitate things and summon knives. Maizy has been helping her try to tap into her magical potential but to no use.

 Maizy has been helping her try to tap into her magical potential but to no use

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Gem-Stone is currently in a relationship with Beauty. The two have an interesting dynamic.

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