Angelo Ref

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Name: Angelo Dust-Motha

Species: Spider demon

Personality: pretty spontaneous, loud and obnoxious, can get lost in thought and not pay attention to his surroundings when he IS focused otherwise he's easily distracted by whatever he wants, has his mother's stubborn attitude and temper however which makes him a polar opposite from Angel-Cake

Age: 8

Family: Angel Dust: Father, Vaggie: Mother, Isabella: Half Older Sister, Angel-Cake: Other Older Sister, Arackniss: Uncle, Molly: Aunt, Ragno: Cousin, Webs: cousin, Heroin: Grandfather

Powers/Weaknesses : He's pretty flexible and agile being a jumping spider demon and he's also very smart for his age being able to make bombs as well as spawn explosives like how his father can summon guns and ammo, he can also produce a paralyzing vemon from his fangs

Bonus: Angelo is the youngest member of the infamous Spider Family and the most one out of all of Heroin's grandchildren who's actually prone to fighting and combat without much of a second thought, which both worries Angel and makes him proud since Angelo is a lot like him in many different ways. However while Angelo is more like his father in personality and mannerisms, he feels much closer to his mother who helps teach him combat. He's still honing his skills and later in life ends up taking up a job helping to protect his family and hotel under Charlie's reign over the hotel. Don't be fooled by his confident talk tho, if he's scared by anything or his grandfather visits, he dives first thing behind Angel's or Vaggie's legs to put distance between him and the scruffy looking man. Despite Heroin's interests in Angelo and Angel-Cake to join his organization, Angelo wants nothing to do with him and prefers to stay far away from his grandfather to the point he'll literally hide if he comes around.

You can often find him down in Baxter's lab bothering Baxter or Dexter for materials to help him make new explosives, running away from Vaggie whom tries to take away said explosives from him, or with his father doing whatever the older spider demon drags him along too. He's also close to his cousins and sisters. Webs can understand Angelo's fears of their grandfather and being scared of his interests in them joining his 'work' and Ragno being the actual heir to a different gang understands the pressure their grandfather puts on his other cousins so the three get along with that. Angel-Cake is often the voice of reason between both her chaotic siblings and is a perfect mish mash of their parents personalities so while she can get on Angelo's nerves and they can fight on things, he understands she has good intentions. Isabella however together makes the two a choatic duo of bombs and fighting. The two get along best most of all...But it gives poor Vaggie several heart attacks.

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