Isabella Dust ref

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Voice: Undecided

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Voice: Undecided

I decided to make Cherry Bomb a part of my next gen cast and gave her a redesign for my au.

Name: Isabella Dust

Personality: spunky, attitude, sass sass sassy girl, usually relaxing and going with the flow

Age: Unknown: Physically 17

Species: Angel

Family: Angel Dust: Father, Angel-Cake: Half younger sister, Arackniss: Uncle, Molly: Aunt, Heroin: Grandfather, Webs: cousin, Ragno: cousin

Powers/Abilites: fly, acrobatics, uses a home made weapon, make bombs, can use her holiness(?) to help combat unwanted demons.

Appearance: red and white hair /suit, pale skin, wings and halo are usually hidden

Bonus: Izzy does not remember much of her human life. But, there's one thing for certain, her death was NOT her daddy's fault In the slightest. Which is the reason she's grown distant of her Uncle and Grandfather.

Upon being releasd into her new after life as an angel, she began her search for the reast of her family. Or at the most her father or Auntie Molly. Surely they had to be here with her. They were always so kind. When it was discovered they weren't she demanded they be fixed or for her to be sent back. When they refused, she decided to go rouge and leave this so called paradise. Being an angel amongst demons and royals wasn't easy. Many would gladly end her or put her up as some sick prize. Slowly she became more adapted to disquising herself and hiding from others. Her first instinct was to go back to her family, but as she soon came to realize that they had died and essentially become demons, she gave up that hope of ever finding them again. And turned to a life of running and hiding to survive from any other angels or just others in generally. Being already dead, she didn't need to eat or sleep to survive anymore. Eventually taking refuge in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.

It was a chance encounter that brought her to reunite with her father. While out , she accidentally got caught within crossfire by two mafias fighting over terf. When the smoke cleared, a barrol of four-no- six? pistols were pointing at her. But, why didn't this tall, white, fuzzy wus just shoot already? He had her cornered. That's the same thought that coursed through this guy's mind. Why didn't he shoot? She looked so familiar....If fact, she looked just like-

"...I-Izzy?..." Cue guns dropping.

Isabella (or more commonly known as Izzy or Cherry Bomb) was content with staying hidden with constant visits fro her father who often had to sneak out to see her. Some time later he began bringing this strange fuzzy ball of fluff, and introduced her as her new baby sister. Life went on like that for some time, until Vaggie, tired of Angel always taking their daughter everywhere with out telling her why, demanded she go along. Angel at first tried to say no.....But no one wants to anger the Moth Mama. Cherry was....surprised to meet her father's partner one night but didn't question him on it. It was actually Vaggie that told Charlie about Izzy and Angel's situation. Charlie approached Angel and insisted that Izzy come and stay at the hotel.

"She's been alone for so long. She NEEDS a safe place to stay that's not covered in mold. She's still just a kid."

It took a LOT of convincing for her and Angel to agree to this. Mostly because Angel didn't want Izzy anywhere NEAR Hell where every demon would be at her throat. But Charlie being Charlie, came up with a magical solution. Izzy would come to the hotel under the reputation of being the new adopted child of the famous porn star and keep her more Angelic assets hidden. The news got out almost right away, and some rumors ensued. Izzy took her father' s new last name and sorta stuck to his side for the first one or two years staying there.

The Demons Gang and her family are about the only ones who actually know her secret and her Grandfather has done everything he could to legally gain control of his granddaughters. Cherry gets along best with her sister and cousin Ragno when her Auntie Molly comes to visit, her sister's friend's are nice as well. When she's not at the hotel, she's usually off somewhere else. Where? Who knows? When strangers or someone she doesn't want to interact with comes to the hotel, she resorts to hiding in the attic until they leave.

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