Clocksworth Ref

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Name: Unknown

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Name: Unknown . He goes by many names. Tick Tock. Steam Punk. The Key-per. The Trinket Troubler. But his favorite is Clocksworth.

Died: death by burning at the stake

Age: Physically 26

Family: Static Killjoy: Adopted daughter, Velveteen: Other adopted daughter

Bonus: Clocksworth is a gear bound, cat that runs the local orphanage near Hell High and takes in some of the children they teach. He absolutely loves children and specializes with disabilities physically and mentality. Usually having shiny objects attatched to him on the ready or stem toys like bells or spinners. He is usually Happy go lucky, optimistic, and kind but stern towards even the most grumpy demons, but don't let his happy personality fool you. If there's one things he hates, it's anyone who lays a hand on anyone he cares for.

Being part metallic, he walks with a limp, constantly twitches, and sometimes his voice will glitch or raise a pitch. But this does give him extra strenghth. There are two poles that he can summon at will that holds multiple trinkets and jewelry including his personal favorites a music box and heart locket. He has a few locked away feelings and thoughts and his body is dependent those locked joints. He performs magic and the clamp on his tail can constantly spew out small toys like teddy bears or tin soilders.

In life, Clocksworth was a man who'd often be mistreated but others around him, growing up he began to resent what they did to him and would often lash out without thinking at anyone similar putting someone else in a similar situation to him. Which lead to his death. When he saw a child being mistreated he lashed out and killed the man responsible. Back in his day the crime of murder was punishable by death which is how he went burnt at the stake. In death, Clocksworth was literally falling apart from his mostly burnt body and had to hide on the streets for a very long time before being discovered and taken by a mad scientist. Who did experiments on with with steampunk and metallic things. Eventually cutting off the rotten burnt parts, and fixing whatever was left with locks and keys. After stealing the keys to his head and heart, he escaped with his knew body and a knew idea in mind. He now runs The Cat's Eye orphanage near the school and takes in any child left on his door step. Eventually working the demon children into Charlie's program for them to receive a better life.

While many children enter and leave his halls, he's kept 2 for very obious reasons. Their parents are overlords. Not for his own gain. He was there when Valentino personally shoved baby Velveteen into his arms and threatened him if word of her got out, and Katie killjoy made it pretty apparent she didn't want anything to do with 'the brat' as she put it, so to protect both, he personally adopted them. The girls don't don't know anything about their origin and when asked, he simply told them their parents left them on his doorstep. Which technically wasn't a lie. Clocksworth also has pets around his home which help him in various ways to help him raise the children he cares for.


-Like Buttercup she was an old teddy bear Clocksworth sewn together and brought to life with blackmarket potions. Unlike Buttercup, she's able to fly, pick up things, and can communicate by imitating words like a parrot.

-She's as tall as Clover and helps Clocksworth take care of most of the infants left to him. Or acts as an emtional support rabbit for different children.

-Acts ALOT like Angel from mlp. Stubborn, pushy, and can get a bit feisty. But does usually behaves herself.

-You can often find her hopping about Clocksworth's feet or sneaking peaches from the fridge.


-Was actually a sculpture before being dowsed by blackmarket angelic magic. Because of this his body is heavier than it looks and he can't fly despite having wings.

-Tiktok was named for the clocks attached to his face and tail. Tiktok uses these to help Clocksworth keep up time for children with special medication or appointments.

-The most friendly out of Clocksworth's pets but also the most dumb. Hell try to eat random objects or jump from high places to try to fly. This has caused some problems but doesn't define his person.

-When it's time for something important hell alert someone by shaking and making ringing noises like a alarm clock but he can also purr or make ticking sounds.


Like Buttercup and Plushie, Candi was a teddy sewn by Clocksworth being being magically brough to life.

-Candi helps him make the food for all the children and is in charge of helping to remind him if any children has any food allergies or requirements.

-Out of all the helpers, is the only one who can speak for some reason.

-Her tail provides infinate dango food which the children always sneak from her.

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