Julian Ref

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Might change his design

Voice: Tom Lucitor (may change later)

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Voice: Tom Lucitor (may change later)

Name: Julian

Personality: Somewhat lazy, laid back, flirty, energetic, a big goofball

Species: Same species as Zamhir

Age: Just turned 20

Family: Sahara: Mother, Zamhir

Appearance: black hair/shoes/pants, black and pink markings/stripes on various parts on his body, brown skin, whites of his eyes are blue, pupils are like his father's, blue hat, blue and black striped shirt

Powers/Abilities: He can speak 4 languages fluently. Those are English, French, German, Chinese, and Pig Latin. He can also breath some fire being descended from a dragon, swim very well, and perform black magic

Bonus: Being the only child of Sahara and Zahmir, it was no surprise he became relatively good at dark magic and potion making. Though he could easily become a great witch, he chooses a career in stage play. With his perky personality and knowledge of language, it was easy for him to get a job at his old school as Jackie's assistant.

Being descended from dragons, he has some fire abilities but not flight. Though he has been known to use his many languages to flirt, he mostly got that idea from Helsing who he's great friends with. He does have some set backs though. Being a big goof ball and flirt, most don't take him very seriously until his temper goes off and someone has to stop him from burning something or setting his magic off. Which would usually be Jackie or sometimes Helsing.

Despite being the suave laid back flirt he appears to be, he's secretly actually pretty self conscious about his physical appearance of being a hybrid of creatures. Which is why he would sometimes appear nervous around certain women he would like. Mostly Camelia. They met years ago through Helsing and he's been a love struck puppy for her ever since. When his mother informed him she would be living with them to learn more about magic, he couldn't be happier. He has since constantly tried to win her affections with flowers and flirts. When that didn't work, he offered to help teach her magic tricks. THAT worked, and once a week the two would get together at his parents and learn new tricks and such. He only gotten a kiss but it's a start.

His father was the one to teach him the many languages and theater and inspired him to seek out his own career. While the two are close, Julian feels as if he can never be as good as theater he is. His mother is always the one to perk him up and give him the advice he needs.

 His mother is always the one to perk him up and give him the advice he needs

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Julian is actually one of the closest people to Camelia. They get together during the events of Safe Haven's Angel.

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