Maxxie Ref

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Name: Maxine 'Maxxie'

Personality: very clear headed, stubborn, prone to attack if provoked enough, very skilled at what she does, smarter than she may seem, semi-patient?? depends on company and the situation she's in, can be friendly given time and if you show her kindness first

Species: Imp

Age: 16

Family: Millie: Mother, Moxxie: Father, Millie Family: Grandparents and Uncles and Aunts

Powers/Abilities: Resistant to fire, very skilled in fighting, hand to hand combat, and can see in the dark pretty well

Bonus: Maxine or 'Maxxie' as she prefers to go by, is the only child to the imp couple of I.M.P and thus has VERY overprotective parents. Growing up, Maxxie was taught everything her parents knew about fighting including hand to hand combat by Millie and weapons (mostly guns including a sniper from Moxxie) and knives as well as how to use the environment and her opponents actions against them. Thus making her a decent fighter despite her height compared to other demons. With her parents life style and parenting, she's become a question first trust later kind of person that has helped her get out of a few bad situations but her stubbornness can cause trouble as well.

Maxxie's relationships with her family is good with her parents. Sure they can embarrass her and be too lovey dovey but they're pretty badass. But she has a strained relationship with the rest of Millie's family because she's constantly calling out their distaste of her father and refuses to apologize and NO she's NOT going to apologize for that until they apologize to Moxxie first no matter how much Millie talks to her about it. She surprisingly gets along ok-ish with Loona because they both have the same 'call out bs when I see it moody' attitude and Blaze is more of an annoying little sister to her. She has a love-hate relationship with her Uncle Blitzo. She loves him as he was a constant figure in her life who helped to raise and train her in fighting, but he can be really annoying in his clingy annoying ways. So they can fight sometimes but if someone were to ask who she loved more: her grandparents or Blitzo, she'd chose Blitzo every time.

Despite her personality and skills, surprisingly never wanted to join I.M.P despite Blitzo offering her a spot at the company. She wanted to use her skills but didn't like the idea of just ending someone if she wasn't forced to do so, which is how she came to be the personal guard of Lunetta. Stola being the worry wort he was, wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to his precious grand daughter and Blitzo offered up the idea of Maxxie becoming her guard to the everyone. Maxxie would get good insurance plus a way to use her skills for a good cause and good pay plus she liked Lunetta the few times she met her so she was in. Everyone else needed a bit of convincing but since Blizto trusted her and she was actually good at fighting she was able to get the position. Maxxie and Lunetta are pretty good friends despite being polar opposites, and she spends most of the time hanging out- (guarding her-) with her or visiting her family on the rare day off. She also enjoys making collages out of random materials, reading, and watching Disney Princess movies.

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