Marco And Blaze refs

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Name: Blaze and Marco

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Name: Blaze and Marco

Personality: Blaze: Daddy's girl, loves attention and adventure, think Blitzo in a girl's body without the violence, not afraid to go feral, Marco: prim and proper, likes to follow orders, total oppiste of Blaze

Species: Blaze: Hellhound imp mix, Marco: Imp

Age: Blaze: Nine, Marco: seven

Family: Blaze: Blitzo: Father, Loona: big sister, Blitzo's sisters: Aunts, Marco: Millie: Mother, Moxxie: Father

Appearance: Blaze: Basically a small version of Loona with Blitzo's tail, horns, and eyes, Has a red spot over half her face, usually wears comfy hoodies and sweats, Marco: Prim and proper suits, white hair with freckles, Millie's horns and tail

Powers/Abilites: Blaze: powerful for her age(hey we saw Loona Yeet that crib far with only a kick. Hellhounds are strong), great senses of smell and hearing, Marco: Plain as every other imp


Blaze: Blaze came into the world by accident. Blitzo with that giant book of spells decided to one day try it out to get free employees(cloning spell). All he needed was some DNA strands and a few ingrediants for the potion. Moxxie and Millie were....Not volunteering lets just say. And Loona couldn't really give a hoot, so Blitzo simply used shavings from his horn and some of Loony's fur to start cloning away. Only there was a slight problem. Blitzo being Blitzo, skimmed through the directions instead of reading it all step by stap and just added all of the ingrediants together which included his horns shavings and a hell hound's fur. ..Which resulted in a massive explosion and ....well. He was NOT expecting the cooing fuzzy baby he found after airing out the room and looking in the cauldron. Everyone was...shocked to say the least. Loona mostly angry this had happened but soon went back to not giving a care in the world about anything. In reality(supported by evidence in the pilot) Blitzo is a pretty lonely guy, so once the intial shock got over he embraced his new role of being a dad. Of course...The dummy had no idea of what he was doing and after a week he was banging on Moxxie and Millie's door begging for help. Thanks to them he's become a better dad and is raising her the best way he can similar to how he did Loona. Loona and Blaze have a decent sister relationship(remember how in Gravity Falls Dipper made clones of himself and treated them like brothers? Yeah.). 

LOONA IS NOT Blaze's mother.

Blaze is an absolute Daddy's girl with how much Blitzo spoils her and takes on his wild personality much to Uncle Moxxie's annoyance. Good lord there's two of them now. While she and Marco DONT know their parents' jobs personally, Blaze has interpirtated it as some sort of detective agency and wants to become a dectective like Blitzo one day. She loves trying to solve different mysteries which she drags her BFF Marco into constantly.

Marco: Marco is a full blooded imp like his parents and uncle Blitzo and is basically a mini more calm version of his dad. Like Moxxie, he loves keeping things prim and proper and doesn't beleive in playing childish games too often, which is why it usually annoys him when his best friend Blaze drags her into his schemes. But it usually turns out for the better. Marco is her voice of reason and while stubborn she does genuinely listen to what he has to say, doesn't mean she'll follow his advice but she always hears him out. Marco is more serious and patient then Moxxie and doesn't start yelling whenever something upsets him. He does genuinely enjoy his parents' babying and singing to him like any regular child would get, he doesn't show it often which can come off as rude or uncaring to his parents' efforts for him.

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