Sara Ref

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Name: Sara

Personality: shy quiet, and usually well mannered especially for a vampire. She's very self concious due to her mother's pressure and thus is usually silent and tries to make herself out of sight as much as possible.

Species: Vampire

Age: 7

Family: Venganza: Mother, Simon:Father, Leeny and Vincent: Uncles, Vikki: Cousin

Powers/Weaknesses : Everything venganza can do but much weaker due to her age

Bonus: Sara is the youngest of her clan and the 'princess' so to speak being the daughter of a King and Queen Vampire. As such a lot of pressure is put on her a lot for being weak and shy for her age, which makes her mother frustrated to heck and back whenever her training or anything else wasn't giving her the desired results Vengaza wanted in an heir for her clan. Leading her to make the choice of putting even MORE pressure on her, which only resulted in Sara becoming more self conscious and scared of her own mother. By the age of seven Venganza had completely given up and turned her attention to making Francis her new heir as leader of the clan, being older more powerful and more willing to get his hands dirty to please her. Sara is much closer to Simon who comforted her after any interaction with her mother but wouldn't stop her training as he believed it was in her best interests to 'toughen up' a bit from her shy self.

It was a no wonder she ran away and managed to sneak into Safe Haven where she was later picked up by their version of social services and placed into a home to be taken cared of. She's slowly working to get herself in a better place mentally and by the time she's an adult loves gardening and working in a floral shop run by Mrs. Summer who was also married to another vampire, Pepper! Making her feel more at ease knowing their was other of her kind living safely and away from the dangers her parents provided. 

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