Casanova ref

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Name: Casanova

Personality: prankster, loves to make others smile, usually very friendly but otherwise very silent most of the time.

Species: Anthro cat

Age: 15 1/2

Family: Chesire Cat: Father, Allison: Mother

Appearance: dark blue fur, red and yellow ear insides/tail stripes, red hearts on ear tips/ear insides/tail, blonde hair

Powers/Abilities: cat a good sense of hearing and smell, great balance, cat see in the dark well which is great for staying up. Typical cat things. Great magic abilities. Can detach his head, arms, and tail at will, float. 

Bonus:  Allison Next gen son of Allison and Chesire cat

He is a no good trickster and the apple of his Mother's eye. While he takes after his mother with his hair and height, his personality and build is definitely his father's. This frisky feline is known for idly standing by and watching the world go by or causing Mischief. When Allison finally returned from the freaking Wonderland world she didn't know she would be expecting a tiny kitten a few months later. He gets along well with most residents of his father's world and is where he mostly stays. If it wasn't for some chuckles and whines, everyone would've assumed he was a mute. He prefers to use faces and hand motions to communicate and is closer to his mother than anyone else, though his father and himself do get along quite well.

Despite all the males in his family tree being named Cheshire as per tradition, he was pretty glad his mother thought of his name. And it suits him well. His gentleman personality, and kindness often gets many young ladies' attention but he has only eyes for his best friend Lavender. Who he met when he was exploring one of the many 'rabbitholes' as his world's portals are called, and stumbled into Safe Haven's woods. There he met a younger Lavender and the two bonded over their love of singing and dancing. 

His staff, who is named Hart, is alive and was a gift from his father. Hart is usually Casanova's voice but he is usually grumpy and bitter over nothing. But despite that he really does care about the young feline and often acts as his concious and gives good advice when needed.

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