Sophie ref

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Might tweak her design later

Voice: Luna from Satilite City (may change later)

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Voice: Luna from Satilite City (may change later)

(it won't let me post the video so just go to FENNAH 's youtube and look at his latest video with luna)

Name: Sophie

Personality: serious, usually grumpy, untrusting to people she doesn't know, nice, can be stubborn or tempermental

Species: Hippogriff centaur


Family: Sonya: Mother, Ronaldo: Father

Powers/Abilities: can run at a face speed, is skilled at using natural herbs and plants, unfortunately her body is too big for her to fly, but she can use her wings to fan herself, she has excellent hunting and tracking skills, her griffon half gives her heightened senses of smell and sight similar to a hawks, stronger than she looks

Appearance: her bottom half is basically black a hippogriff. With black spots, yellow hooves, and yellow wings with long red feathers. Her hair is white with hints of black and red, red eyes, two green flower crowns, black tube top, and a mysterious black horn

Bonus: Sophie is a mixture of griffon and centaur. Making her the first Hippogriff centaur. Her parents are not on good terms after what happened.

Ronaldo being a griffon, often ate meat and hunted for both it and blackmail to use on others. He happened upon a centaur by the name of Sonya who was down on her luck at the time. He used his charming personality to.......get something from her and took advantage of Sonya in her troubled time. Sophie was the result of said brief courtship and Ronaldo calmly panicked on what would soon happen.

Sophie never really got along with her father for understandable reasons. He was barely in her life and often acted more like she was a chore he had to do instead of his actual daughter. This made Sophie grow up with anger towards her father and a distrust towards strangers as she is determined not to be taken advantage of like her mother was. Sophie gets along with Sonya much better than Ronaldo and was the one to teach her the ways of nature and how to use plants and herbs. She uses this talent to help heal others who can't afford doctors, and makes natural medicine to sell in the nearby town.

Unfortunately Sophie cannot fly due too her body being too heavy and has no idea which side of her family her horn came from. She's skilled at hunting and tracking which Ronaldo taught her and was probably the most decent thing he did for her. Because she's part griffon, she can eat both meat and plants but prefers to be vegan as it was the lifestyle her mother raised her as. She loves nature and is naturally drawn to it and often takes long walks to help clear her head from stress or anger. It was on one of these walks as a child when she met her now best friend Nicholas. The poor fawn was stuck under a pile of logs after trying to hide from a hunter. As an animal lover, she helped the little deer out but was surprised when it shape shifted into a small boy. Her mother told her about other animal shape shifters like her father but never met one beyond him. Nicholas or Nick as she had nick named him, instantly took a liking to her and began to follow his hero around. At first she found this annoying but soon warmed up to the shy doe boy. He was actually her first real friend.

Sophie has a temper that can rival a dragon's and often can and will beat your a$$ if you make her mad enough. The only ones that she'll really listen too is her mother and Nicholas. Being part horse, she is very physically strong and has great stamina that lets her run long and fast.

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