Lacey ref

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Voice: Scootaloo from MLP (may change later)

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Voice: Scootaloo from MLP (may change later)

Name: Lacey

Personality: soft spoken, usually keeps to himself, bit paranoid, over all nice, can come off as clingy or attention seeking.

Species: Demon jackal

Age: 12

Family: Jill: Mother, Jack: Father (is dead), Jack's mom: Grandmother, Narissa: Great Aunt, Devil: Great Uncle, Helsing: Older cousin, Damian: Cousin/Adopted father

Powers/Abilites: Not much. She's able to imitate voices and noises.

Appearance: Dark purple and brown fur, black ear insides, red and black eyes, long eyelashes, her smoke like tail constantly moves

Bonus: Lacey is the only child to Jack and Jill and is the apple of her mother's eye. Like Jill, her tail constantly moves like smoke and like a cloud you can pass through it.

Lacey never met her father due to an unfortunate accident. When Jill first found out she was expecting, the two were estatic. Jack was EXTEMELY paranoid that something would end up happening to him around the baby because of his curse and it would get hurt.......He was half right. A metal fan ended up falling on him while visiting Zill and his wife and one of the blades ended up giving Jill(who was standing next to him) a gash to her left shoulder and a little ways down her back. Luckily everyone was ok, but that was the last straw for Jack. I mean they were lucky THIS time. But who knows what could happen next. He went to the only person who he could really hope to help him. Damian was surprised to say the least when the cousin came begging him to remove his long curse so his family would be safe around him. After all, his dad was the one to do this to him as a gift to his mom. More begging and constant bugging finally got him to give in and Damian agreed to remove the curse. But not without a price. The black magic that had been keeping his body in a constant state of health was no longer in him and since his immune system never developed naturally against viruses and germs.......You can guess what happened after he came down with an illness...

Lacey was born in H*ll and is the youngest of all the children that lives in the palace. But she wa never permitted to go anywhere on surface without, Jill, Hilda, or Uncle Damian unless it was school. She never really knew why until one day after school she was approached by a nice older lady that invited her over to her house for cookies. Being incredibly young at the time, she happily agreed. Her house was pretty cozy and the promised cookies were REALLY good. But the lady kept giving her weird overly happy looks and offers like watching her favorite cartoons or taking her to the park. She didn't think too much of it until Mama Jill had busted down the door absolutely livid. Running over to the woman and starting a full blown argument with her.

She didn't know about it then, but the older lady happened to be her grandmother and Jill was angry she had taken her without permission. Jack's mother had been absolutely devastated by her son's death and always blamed Jill for it ever happening. The final straw had been when she threatened to sue Jill for legal custody of her granddaughter. Jill feared she would get legal custody of Lacey as (thanks through Zecariah) the H*ll Royal family was in a legal neutral agreement with the PeaceKeepers. And it sadly was apossibility. Not to mention they weren't exactly friendly to demon's. It was Damian who came up with the solution. He always felt a bit guilty that Jill got blamed for something he did inetially.

He proposed legally adopting Lacey as her being a part of the royal family would legally keep his aunt from taking her. Though she still refers to him as just Uncle Damian. Being legally adopted by Damian DOES make her a princess and unfortunately that does make her a likely target. Which adds to her paranoid like personality when she found out how her father died, the problem with her grandmother, and that demons aren't exactly the most welcomed. She sometimes has a small panic attacks but nothing too major.....yet.

Lacey gets along well with most her family and other H*ll children, modtly her older cousin Helsing. He takes her to all sorts of places for fun or sometimes to his friend's. She's usually the one to scold him when Indigo isn't guarding them. Sometimes she'll even be his winggirl to score points with Margo. Lacey has a small group of friends which consist of herself, Vincent, Quinn, Christopher, and Caleb. Being the only girl of the boy group, the boys act like she's their little sister and try to ease her paranoia. Though she's kinda confused about Quinn's constant flirts and Vincent's annoyance at it. Her favorite thing to do is watch Ms. Latika paint. She loves to draw and sometimes Raven teaches her using his Ink.

She hasn't seen her grandmother in years and is scared she'll be forced from her mother. Jill has a good relationship with her little girl and sees much of Jack in her.

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