Solstice Ref

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Voice: Satim Sally Acorn (May change later)

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Voice: Satim Sally Acorn (May change later)

Name: Solstice

Personality: Calm, quiet, patient, usually kind but isn't afraid to get her point across

Age: early forties

Species: anthro albino doe

Family: Castello: Husband, Winter: Son, Bow: Niece, Samson: Nephew, Ribbon/Hart/Xavior: Brother and sister in laws, Xanios: Father in law.

Appearance: Light blue and white fur and hair, black hooves, pale eyes

Abilites: not much but she does have a strong kick and heightened senses of hearing and smell. And can read brail which sometimes her son uses to send secret messages to her or Castello.

Bonus: Solstice was the only child born in a wealthy family of long standing male heirs. Being the first female born in a while and being born both albino and blind was quite a surprise. Solstice's mother died when she was very young , and in turn her father put  lot of pressure on her to be the perfect female. This has caused her stress and a depressive state for a while. When he father wished to make her an arranged marriage, she put her hoof down and they had a big argument. Which resulted her in being disowned and thrown on the streets.

She managed to stay at a friend's and find a low paying job as a telephone marketer, but it wasn't the best with her......condition.

Solstice first met Castello after a bad turf war. He barely managed to escape and ended up passing out in front of her home. She ended up finding him and healing his wounds. Grateful he offered her a job at his studios as an assistant despite her seeing disability. She would forever be thankful for him for taking her out of poverty.

Solstice came from a rich family and alot of stress was placed on her because of her disability. After revealing this to Castello and explaining she knows how it feels for your own father to put so much pressure on you, they began to understand one another better as he finds her patient and quiet nature a relief from the idiots he usually puts up with. Eventually she became his wife or 'consort' as he refers to her.
She's pretty skittish around Xavior and Hart but finds Ribbon good company despite how he acts.

When Winter was born, she received the family unit she desired but she does question Castello's parenting methods and what her some would become because of it.

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