Lunetta Ref

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Name: Princess Lunetta

Species: Owl demon hell hound hybrid

Personality: despite both her mothers having semi-grouchy personalities Lunetta is that, but more friendly. Usually doesn't speak unless spoken too first and mostly keeps to herself very patient

Powers: can turn people to stone with a stare, whip her head around fully like an owl, powerful back claws, as part hellhound she has heightened senses and has a human disguise.

Age: 15

Family: Stola: Grandfather, Stella: Grandmother, Octavia: Mother, Loona: Other Mother, Blitzo: Adopted Grandfather, Blaze: Younger Cousin, Barbie Wire: Adopted Aunt, Tilla: Adopted Great Grandmother

Bonus: Lunetta is probably the most patient out of all the Hell Royal's children and it shows with the way she interacts with others and usually can take a lot of rage before she loses her top. It's one of the many reasons, her Girlfriend Whitney, loves her a lot. The two actually met when Wild-Card was introducing her to his sister, their bodyguard, and the two she guards. Whitney is usually shyer than her and doesn't interact much outside her few friends and Lucas but Lunetta's patient and understanding personality won her over eventually and the two have been slowly making progress in their relationship. baby steps. Lunetta doesn't mind taking it slow and steady if that's what makes Whitney more comfortable. Her family on both side, outside Granny Stella, fully supports their relationship and helps gives the two advice whenever they can.

When not studying her duties, Lunetta loves spending time with her family! Her Grandfather Stola is her favorite family member and the two often take monitored trips to the overworld, or study stars and space together. Hence Lunetta's love for astronomy and growing her ability to read star constellations to predict things. She's also learning basic combat from her grandfather Blitzo so she's decently good at fighting and can take care of herself even with the small imp bodyguard trailing after her. 


Blitzo/Blaze: Out of all her family, Blitzo and Blaze are the closest she's too. Often babysitting her younger cousin when Blitzo goes to work on Earth. She's often very open and up front to him with things and finds his menial jokes funny enough to get a chuckle out of her. Although he often doesn't talk about the rest of her adopted family, she's not too invested in learning about them anyways, often helping Blaze tire down from her energy bursts long enough for Blitzo to take care of her easily after a long day. Blaze and her have a more big sister younger sister relationship than Blaze does with Loona and often times she'll arrange play dates with either Aussie or Hellsing and their younger siblings. Although sometimes it can be quite a handful to keep her wild antics to a minimum.

Stola/Stella: Lunetta actually has never met Stella beyond a few royal meetings. The two are more strangers than anything. With the treason actions against her grandfather she has been banned from meeting one another not that she complains. Like with Blitzo, she's a lot closer to her grandfathers than she is her mothers. Often taking her to trips to Looloo Land and other places to build up that bond that was much easier than Octavia when she was her age.

Loona/Octavia: They both get along with her relatively well. Since they half similar personalities they can exist pretty well together and have a few similar interests. But with both her mothers' emo-ish personalities it's difficult to talk with them, more so Loona than with Octavia. Such leading her to be much closer to her grandparents and younger cousin than help. Not that she's upset about that. The dynamic works surprisingly well for their chaotic family.

Helsing: Being the grandson of the top ruler of hell shows itself with Helsing being first to throw fists, but as the oldest of the young royals, he acts more as a big brother and can be a big help to have around with the others and surprisingly very patient with her. Leading the two to become unlikely good friends. Often the two would hand out together and let their younger sister and cousin hang out together on playdates sometimes being joined by Helsing's friend Aussie and his little brothers.

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