Static Ref

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Voice: Sweetie bell from MLP

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Voice: Sweetie bell from MLP

Name: Static Killjoy, but she has no idea of her last name

Age: 7

Personality: Bubbly, pretty open and friendly, pretty cautious (mostly around unknown demons), all around pretty friendly to be around

Species: Demon

Family: Vox: Biological Father, Katie Killjoy: Mother, Clocksworth: Adopted father

Appearance: white skin with pink cheeks, blonde hair with a green-blue streak, tv antennas, red and pink eyes with static for pupils, pink shirt with white collar/undershirt, brown pants, black boots

Powers/Abilities: Can make her voice any volume or go mute, play different tv or radio shows on her eyes using her antennas, screech loud enough to break glass or kill a person at close range, control any tv within a 10 yard range

Bonus: Static was supposed to be the next big tyrant if anything should've happened to her father. At least that was the plan at first. Being one of the most powerful tyrants in hell, Vox decided he one day needed someone to take his place in case Alastor's demented mind snapped him to turn against his 'companions' or if by some chance, a bigger fish came along. At first he tried to find a more suitable lady, like Rosie or even MAYBE the Princess....But they proved to be dead ends. Eventually he somehow convinced the middleaged TV show host Killjoy. Promising her more power and popularity with her show. She agreed, but only because of the power. Along down the road, she began to regret the decision as nothing good (inher mind at least) was coming from this at all. Yeah she'd have power, but she'd be stuck with a whiny brat for who knows how long. So, she called off the arrangement half way through her term and when the baby was born, she had one of her goons dump the 'little brat' on someone's doorstep.

Static was found abandoned on the doorstep of the Cat's Eye Children's Home by Clocksworth one night and of course he took her in with the others. Of course he soon found out she was different from other babies when her screams and cries would constantly shatter things. He took special care of her and developed a closer relationship to her than most of the other children, eventually adopting her as his own.

Static loves to play with the other children she lives with at the children's home and loves to help her father with some of the more needy kids and babies. She knows she's adopted and it hurts a bit knowing her parents didn't want her, but she has a better daddy now and all the foster brothers and sisters she could ask for. So it turned out for the better right? She knows she's different from the other children with her voicebox and tries to be careful, but sometimes ends up accidentally hurting someone. With her ability to project movies or shows, she sometimes shows movies or cartoons to the other children if she's not feeling tired. She feels a strange feeling whenever she watches Katie Killjoy's shows, but doesn't know what to make of it.

Static is a bit clingy to her father as he's really as she has and has developed a slight fear of bigger demons when he explained all of Hell's dangers. But she loves going to the school that's close to where they live. Turns out she loves the spotlight and attention (I wonder who she got that from) and has decided to try her luck at dancing. She's a bit clumsy, but she's getting better at it. She adores her big sister! She's pretty, she let's her try her make up, and takes care of her when Clocksworth can't. Like them, she has her own pet named Buttercup.

She's never met her parents, but sometimes she would see a strange figure in the Tv's she stared at or sometimes from far away when her Daddy took her out. He scares her and she has a bad feeling when he does stare at her.

Meet Buttercup. (The deer like animal above)She's Static's personal pet and one of the caretakers of the nursery. Clocksworth used some kind of Angelic potion from the black market to bring one of baby Static's giant toys to life. 

-Buttercup was an old deer teddy brought to life. She has the mindset of a smart dog and can understand some basic commands. Think Nana from Peter Pan. 

-She doesn't have to eat or sleep but can. 

-Adores children but can't stand rough handling. She wont bite or kick, but will run away if overwhelmed. -Hasn't been outside the nursery

 -Can help out with children who neec emotional support or just needs some playtime. But shell mostly follow Static around.

 -Clocksworth has trained her to bring him certain objects when asked like bottles, certain toys,etc. Its not uncommon for her to bring crying children to him either.

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