Chapter 27 Analysis

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The Moon's Sin

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The Moon's Sin

Alright, let's talk about the title for a bit because this chapter is an act of an apostasy in itself.

Just the chapter before, Thanatos was trying to stay away from Aurora by making all this rash decisions that made everyone around him go into a panic. He was trying to hide away from the light, the day of it all and lashed out on his servants and sisters that this is the best way to forget about her.

Now look at the setting, the night. And the moon is out. The darkness is shadowing over yet there is a sequence of light to guide individuals. Underneath this, Thanatos realizes that he can not take this anymore. It's like an addict trying to remain sober and giving the most ludicrous reasons as to not go back to that temptation, that temptation that made them feel a way that they have never felt before.

Underneath the moon, Thanatos escaped to a place where someone inhabited to take away his most problematic itch caused by that person herself. This is the rebellion, the sin that Thanatos is committing under the moon, the one thing in the sky that lights the way amongst the onyx night. He is defying his oppressors, defying his mother no less.

If Nyx found out he was sneaking off into the night to visit his newest interest, a mortal no less- she would just burn the palace then and there.

Because he was paying more love and attention to her than to his own mother and even his family.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Thanatos is finally focusing on something suffocating and facing his own desires that he was been repressed off for thousands of years. He loves his family no doubt, except for the witch, but sometimes you need time away from them to properly flourish into the nest version of yourself. You can even meet people to help boost yourself up.

Anyways, in conclusion, Thanatos and Aurora's meeting is considered the sin brought underneath the moon. An immortal and a mortal cuddling close to each other in the dead of might, where no one will see or hear them... that is if Thanatos behaves.

This chapter was *chef's kiss*.

Home Décor

Ok, before I move into the most notorious scene ever to have happen in the Dawn Series, I want to take a moment to observe Thanatos' reaction towards Aurora's room.

It's different from her own room in her home where everything was white, and nearly gave Thanatos an ulcer. But now, it's filled with little trinkets and splashes of color and paintings. She has given it a meaning of its own by her aesthetic, an intimate space that the owner discloses only towards those deemed trustworthy.

Thanatos finds her younger years fascinating, most because its all documented. I think the one thing Thanatos appreciates or respects of mortals is their ability to capture a moment that once a few seconds go by, its gone forever, and you only have your memory as your photographer. However, mortals have come a long way with technology and Thanatos truly finds it as a marvel that they have created a way to permanently grasp certain memories for the future generations to look upon and see.

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