Chapter 15 Analysis

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Honestly, I give up.

Honestly, I give up

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Well. That was something.

Sigh, let's begin with Hemera and Aurora. They finally meet, and it was a good and well-mannered conversation between the two. Hemera is smart enough to understand why her brothers- namely Thanatos- are so enticed by her. She probably already knows her brother's type and she clearly sees that Aurora is the ideal woman that Thanatos would obsess for.

And as I suspected before, Hemera does not have a filter, causing her to say some things she doesn't mean. Aurora does understand that she doesn't mean to come across that way but she is a bit puzzled at how please the princess is at meeting her.

As well as how quickly she address herself and Aurora as friends. It is very fast paced in the godly realm it seems. You stay there to practice magic and the next thing you know, you've began a tenuous relationship with the emperor and a friendship with the soon-to-be empress.

Then comes the burning question that Aurora has been thinking about lately. Which is if Hemera is ok with Thanatos sleeping around and having affairs. This is also to relieve her fears that Hemera isn't actually angry at her for something she had no control over.

Aurora would never get involved with someone that is already in a relationship, and the fact that Thanatos kind of tried to come onto her those few times they met made her extremely guilty. She does not want to be apart of some drama induced triangle and break apart a relationship. She is not a homewrecker, so trying to establish a standing between her and Hemera will ease her troubles.

Hemera reassures her that she does not have any romantic feelings for Thanatos other than sisterly and brotherly relations. She also throws in the fact that the public only know that they are "happy" to be going along with this while the inside of the palace knows their true feelings to this ceremony.

And Hemera even encourages that Aurora goes along with Thanatos' actions so it stalls the time she has to be with him as a couple. Of course, Aurora still finds this wrong, but I'm sure Thanatos will find a way to persuade her in another direction....

The dinner is now in session, and Thanatos looks like he's about to fall to the floor.

The color of Aurora's dress was no accident. Hypnos and Aurora know that Thanatos is a very possessive man and to see something with his signature color on triggers a primal instinct in his brain that, that belongs to him, and solely to him. So when he saw Aurora saunter in with that sexy dress on, he was delighted that she didn't dress to his twin's color scheme, which would be orange and grays.

Red is the color of passion, temptation, sex, and power. All the things that Thanatos represents and Aurora is trying to achieve in this dinner. She is the temptress trying to lure out the jaguar out of its cave for a dance to reveal itself. Hypnos is just riding along as her accomplice.

"Calm down. Calm down. Win her over. Seduce her; be romantic."

Oh ho, looks like Thana is taking Hypnos' subtle advice to heart. In chapter 14, Hypnos mentioned that he decorated the dinning set so luxuriously because Aurora was a romantic at heart and loved romantic gestures like this.

At least that got through his thick skull.

And Thanatos suddenly changed his mind about teaching Aurora blood-magic. Notice that Thanatos is being more tender with his callings of her, not calling her a witch or a bitter mortal. Actually he hasn't said much about her standing being a mortal. He has always mentioned her as a mage, a bloody fine one.

He is being more inclined to her appearance, watching more and listening, always listening. Its settling in ladies and gentlemen.

The seriousness of him getting alone with Aurora is so urgent that he made a spur in the moment decision to change his plans with helping Dolos with his wine festival and dragged Hemera into the mess. She looks annoyed by his actions but no doubt has underlining amusement for how her brother is acting towards a mortal.

Aurora sees right through his lies though, it seems and Thanatos is not complaining about the look she sends him in suspicion, poor Hemera might need to bleach her mind after this dinner.

"Darling? Darling!"

Darling, if you forgot, is a common nickname that Thanatos bestowed on Aurora in the Red Dawn series. Thanatos is not a happy camper when people give out terms of endearment to things that are deemed his. Remember in the Tales Chapter, "The Orange Dawn" when Hypnos called her a pet name how mad he got because he wanted to be the only one to call her that? Yeah. Reflections.

I adore Markos! Such a good ice-breaker character that makes the scene funny! He reminds me of Barrios as well with their shared trait of not being able to read the room correctly...

"Have you tasted this?"

This is new level of lame. Seriously, his mind is so muddled he couldn't come up with a better distraction for them not to kiss. Also props to Aurora and Hypnos for their acting, they've definitely been practicing.

"Aurora was mine."

Ah, the long awaited sentence, I just wonder how long it will be till he actually says it out loud.

Let's see how the end of the night goes for this group, will Thanatos finally get Aurora alone? Will Hypnos ever learn to actually cook a decent meal? And most importantly, would Hemera even eat dinner tonight?

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Let's see how the end of the night goes for this group, will Thanatos finally get Aurora alone? Will Hypnos ever learn to actually cook a decent meal? And most importantly, would Hemera even eat dinner tonight?

All coming next in Chapter 16!

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