Chapter 31 Notice

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Hello Everyone! 

There will be no analysis for Chapter 31 Part 1 and 2.

I promised you all a chapter that I have been working on for some time, on Sunday and that quickly went to shit. I had it all done and ready to go, but then my computer decided to glitch out and DIE.

But, I wasn't worried for the most part because, you know, Wattpad would automatically save it yeah? No.

Everything was deleted. All 4,000-5,000 words were wiped from existence.  


And me, being the dumb bitch that I am, doesn't type it on a word document to save and transfer onto this platform- no. I just directly type on here. Very big mistake on my part.

I was so upset I couldn't look at Wattpad for some time because I needed to cool off for a while, but lesson learned, save your drafts on a separate platform for backup. 

So now I'm back and just trying to salvage my memory, I guess this is my opportunity to make even better improvements for it? Yeah. 

Chapter 31 part 1 is definitely an interesting chapter because we get a more in depth understanding of Thanatos' classes. I mean we did get to see some lessons in the Red Dawn, but they would just end up in the sheets, or couch.

I am very happy to see Thanatos getting a healthy amount of sleep now that he is visiting Aurora more often! And their relationship is steady continuing to blossom.

Next chapter will be delicious! Can't wait to see if their is some differences in the sheets between the Black Dawn version and Red Dawn version. Will it be sweeter? More passionate? Or rough and dominate? We will find out soon.


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