Chapter 2 Analysis

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Let's whirl into this week's chapter,

I'm back!Let's whirl into this week's chapter,

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Oh boy, Thanatos.


The utter exhaustion that came be felt through the screen has me in tears. If you thought the Red Dawn Thanatos had it bad with anxiety and panic attacks- well I'd like you to formally meet Emperor Thanatos.

No doubt that in later chapters it will showcase just how bad his mental health is and the effects on him. And the main cause of that just walked right through the door.


Well, glad to know she hasn't changed that much in this version. Great. 

Let's talk about her outfit. "Nyx's dress was made from the finest silk and satin. It was a deep, bright yellow; matching her calculating eyes."

Now, yellow is a very bold color. It stands out in the mist of everything, making heads turn and garner the attention of everyone. Nyx is an attention seeker, loves to be in the center of attention, and loves to be talked about- in the right way.

But also, its a color that makes people nervous for some reason. Jittery. Nyx often wears clothing that represents parts of herself- and for good reason. It intimidates and charms just like herself. In the Old Family you can see she wears various articles of clothing in deep black, tribute to her flowing hair that streams down her back like a brush stroke of the night sky. Then there's white that although it symbolizes purity- it connects with her pale skin that looks like the unblemished skin of the full moon. Then there's her eyes, the one piece of herself that is bright and contrasting in the darkness instead of blending into it.

It has been shown that people can spot Nyx's eyes from the darkness because of their striking appearance. It makes people's guts twist, and she knows this. So what better than to wear something representing such a frightening part of herself for the world to know the mother of the emperor is near. 

Yellow generally symbolizes optimism, enlightenment, and creativity. But like every thing, it has a dark side, also representing the sentiments of egoism, betrayal, and madness.

Madness is the number one thing I'm going for right now, second is the egoism because- well it's Nyx for god's sakes. Yellow is also the color of caution and physical illness. (malaria, jaundice, etc.) Very fitting for a toxic mother. Specifically focusing on the caution symbolism, it is a warning sign to those around her. I mean, look at Opis- who by the way looks like he needs about a dozen shots of rum.

"Opis stepped back when she passed him. Nyx was not a woman Opis ever wanted to be in the way of when she was angry."

So, the dress serves as a purpose to garner intimidation and weariness to those around it and Opis is a prime example of what people usually do in the face of the former queen coming towards them.

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