Chapter 16 Analysis

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Surprise, she's a virgin!

Surprise, she's a virgin!

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Let's talk Macbeth.

Macbeth is a very well known play written by the late and great Shakespeare. Macbeth is a Scottish general who has been fighting for King Duncan. Three witches tell Macbeth that he will become King of Scotland. Macbeth is spurred by his ambition and his wife, and he murders King Duncan then accedes to the throne. He is wracked with guilt and paranoia. The paranoia is so great that he kills all whom is deemed suspicious or threatening to his throne .

Sound familiar?

It was no accident that Aurora had asked if Macbeth regrets killing the king. This is a sublime interrogation tactic that she used in order to gain more insight on Thanatos. His answer will then give her some information about what he is really like apart from what the rumors say. If she was going to fall in love with him, she would need to figure it out herself just what kind of man lays behind the tainted gold throne.

Does Thanatos regret killing Zeus? To a degree that he has nightmares about the murders and overthinking about the amount of chaos he has caused by doing so.

"I believe that Macbeth was more bothered with his own ambition than the murder of his king."

So he was disturbed greatly by the actual goal of having to kill Zeus then the actual event. I guess the time leading up to the main event is the upmost nerve racking and stress inducing. And then comes the age old question, was he a victim, or a monster?

"Monster." The deity replies in a speed that rivals a viper.

Thanatos is a monster, by all means. We all are in some aspect. Thanatos is just the person that is practically proud and ashamed at the same time to admit it. One, because being called a monster is just what his mother wanted him to be, and he never wants to live up to Nyx's wishes. But Thanatos also revives in the power and intimidation that being labeled a monster has to offer.

Personally, I don't think being a monster is all bad, at least Thanatos is true to himself in that perspective that he knows the things he enjoys and indulges in is deemed not "normal" behavior. And he embraces it, as he should. Mortals forget that gods have special roles bestowed on them from the high heavens that make their personalities and interests reflect on their essence's true nature. They don't understand that it's normal behavior for the gods to act a certain way because of how they were grown up to be and their known purpose.

But what is normal behavior?

Humans have their morals and customs that they deem normal because it is how they come to be and what they think it should be, its what they are used to. But when the tides change and something new comes along, it is not normal and suddenly alien. Such stubborn minds, they focus on their own kind's set of rules and what not. Gods are like that too in a way. They are very much alike, gods and mortals.

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