Chapter 28 Analysis

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I highly suggest listening to the video above, it's a good insight to the analysis and very relaxing!

I highly suggest listening to the video above, it's a good insight to the analysis and very relaxing!

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Gothic Alarm Clocks

This chapter boosted my serotonin.

Let's first look into Thanatos's little insight on his typical morning disturbances.

Nyx's emo fowls from hell.

A thing to know about peacocks is appearance isn't everything. These flocking birds are ways to prove that point. While their plumage may bring an ounce of wealth and beauty into a scenery, the things that come out of their mouth is shrill and ear shattering. They have one of the nosiest calls to have ever existed.

People assume that by their beautiful nature that they are quiet and serene, as they walk gracefully across the mowed lawn of some tycoon billionaire's home in the southeast. However, it is good to note that almost every bird that has a distinct plumage to them, having an array of multiple colors and patterns that attract the eye, are always the nosiest. Number one, they are mostly male, and number two, they have use for this appearance to attract mates.

And they are certainly doing their job because even foreign species take interest in their otherworldly appearance, putting them in the spotlight.

But what happens if they lose their color? That they are dyed one shade solid and lose their imprint? They are not special anymore. People don't necessarily look for them as much.

Nyx's peacocks look to be going through a crisis right now since they have lost their luster and have become tainted at the hands of the night.

I want you to picture the scene where Thanatos is mentioning the peacocks escaping from his mother's estate into his own garden. It sounds like snooping right? They are jailbreaking from one area to another in search of everything and don't mind to let everyone know about it.

Thus, this can be seen as Thanatos' inevitable wake up call and how he feels the from a day to day basis. That shrill screech that interrupts his slumber, which isn't even all that good anyway. It's like a bad thing stacked on with another bad thing. Maybe that's one reason he avoids sleep, to not here a remainder of his mother's petty vengeance at his doorstep constantly.

Also, notice where they flock towards once they escaped Nyx's part of the palace, Thanatos' personal garden. Gardens are known to be an intimate part of a person's lifestyle due to the care and precision needed to help grow life there. Gardens are essentially the essence of life and are used to be hobbies as healing methods or serene backdrops when an individual is stressed or needs some time to themselves.

And look where these overgrown grotesque feathered maniacs are raiding, Thanatos' personal space, an uncanny resemble to Nyx's meddling in Thanatos' private life.

However! An important detail is presented in a most unlikely source: the strawberries.

Thanatos explains that they has to shoo away the peacocks because they constantly are trying and sometimes successfully are ruining his strawberries. Strawberries are often depicted as a symbol of Venus, the roman counterpart of Aphrodite because of it's bright red color and it's enticing taste to be both sour and sweet. These berries are also almost always drawn in the shape of hearts and are known to be connoted with passion, healing, and love.

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