Chromaticity Chronicles (6)

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For context, this is a what if scenario for the Black Dawn, the rest follow the canon Red Dawn universe.

For context, this is a what if scenario for the Black Dawn, the rest follow the canon Red Dawn universe

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(6) Cotton Lilac Comfort

"Is Thanatos here?"

The blanched sheet of magic that actively glowed in Aurora's hands gradually dimmed as she looked to the side where the God of Sleep stood shifting on one foot to another.

Her brows knitted together, "Oh! Hypnos, I haven't seen him, he doesn't usually visit me until nighttime." Her response caused his frown to grow deeper in what she could discern in worry.

Quickly, she added "But, you are welcomed to search the academy! He could be just hiding in some shadows as one does..."

Hypnos snorted, "As the God of Death does. And the Emperor... whose escaped from doing his duties- again."

Guilt suddenly flushed in the pit of Aurora's stomach as Hypnos' dark eye bags became more accentuated in the light. "I'm sorry, is his time here costly to his throne duties?"

He saw the liability in her cerulean eyes and shook his head feverishly and went to grab her shoulder, "No, not at all dear! On the contrary, Thanatos is easier to work with now that he has something other than work that makes him happy..."

His words were coated in sweet assurance and Aurora blushed at his implication. Hypnos sighed and looked down the darkened halls of the Academy before reaching palm up to summon a portal. Aurora gazed in confusion as Hypnos' apricot hued portal rippled through the air like a loose scarf. "You're not going to stay and look for him?"

A booted foot stepped towards the portal, "What's the point, if you haven't seen him here, then he's not. He must be hiding in Olympus somewhere." Aurora patted his back gently, "If you need any help, I'm here."

The smile he gave her was drained and overslept, poor guy. "I appreciate the concern, I will keep in touch."

And with those final words, Hypnos' body was consumed by the swirling vortex and disappeared, as if the First Prince of the Empire was never there to begin with. The whole situation still bothered Aurora, though. It was already concerning that Thanatos had disappeared during broad daylight, but now to have no reassurance as to where he was? If word got out, it could lead to a public outcry.

Aurora decided upon herself that she would try and look for him at the Academy and in Italy. It wouldn't be much, but she could guess that it would ease ,if not by a little, Hypnos that some places have been searched.

And so, she scoured every inch of the Academy, all the hallways and shadowy corners, the empty classrooms and courtyards. She wanted to ask Conrad for any details, but he would only remain suspicious of why she was looking for the emperor in the first place. Alexus was a definite no, if she found out what Aurora was doing, she'd blow a fuse. And Hecate was doing business else where in the world at the moment.

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