Mahogany Harvest

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"TRIMORPHE! Damn it! Aurora, get your fat cat off of me!"

I chuckled as I hear Thanatos continuous groans about having, and I quote, "A spotted blimp" crushing him on the bed.

So she had a bit much to eat, perfect for a snow leopard come during winter time. Maybe.

But she looks so adorable laying on my husband the morning after Thanksgiving that I proceeded to let them in their bonding, by sleeping.

"Angel, I know that you're awake. Unless you want a stuffed animal thrown out the window I suggest to deal with exhibit A." Using my index finger, I pulled up my sleeping mask, courtesy of Hypnos, and gaze up at him in my sleepy state.

I stared at him for a while and he looked at me expectantly, "Well? What are you waiting for? Get out." I swear the look he gave me was like I told him to sell his scythe on Amazon.

"What do you mean 'Get out?' If anyone deserves to hear that then it's the overgrown- or overweight cat who is using me as a pillow rest!" I couldn't stop the giggle from escaping my lips as I viewed the 'situation' in beside me.

Indeed, Trimorphe has gained a bit of weight-

"The hell? A bit? More like scads! Her belly makes Hephaestus look like he's preg-"

"Stop reading my damn thoughts! Unless you want me to put up the Mens Murum spell!"

Thanatos quickly shut his trap. He knew that with that he wouldn't be able to hear not a smidge of my thoughts, even if my barrier is down. Good threat to dominate the situation. As I was saying, last night was an eventful night, to say the least. Of course, I had to explain, along with Trita and Sonya what the holiday was and why it was celebrated.

I highly doubt they were even listening to the explanation part, especially Poseidon. Once the sea prince heard about the turkey to be served, a whole river was flowing out of his mouth. This was Sonya's favorite holiday, while Trita's was Halloween and mine was Christmas.

Her being an expert at this holiday, we handed the decoration job to her and planning. At least we don't have to worry about her turning into a dictator of harvest. We found out a bit too late with Trita, who was a tyrant of tricks- never again. The boys offered to help with the decorations while Trita and I helped the cooks prepare the dinner.

Oh, was the kitchen a place to be. Nothing beats the aroma of a Thankgiving feast.


"Aurora! Can you pass me the pepper!" Trita called out from the other side of the room. I grabbed the spice and gave it to her, inhaling the scent of freshly baked ham coming out of the oven. My nose went up to smell heaven everyone.

Trita was in charge of the side dishes and drinks while I took over the main course and desserts.

Since I've seen the way Thanatos and Hypnos eat their meals, imagine to every cooks surprise, some even fainted, on cooking hundreds of turkeys. Luckily Artemis and I have been getting along quite well and she had no problem executing the favor I had asked of her, those poor birds.

I decided on making my mother's favorite turkey recipe, herb and citrus butter roasted turkey. My taste buds might as well have an orgasm right then and there. Speaking of my parents, I decided to spend a week with them as an early Thanksgiving, since they can't go to the underworld to visit me. They understood perfectly and was more than happy with the arrangements, even if they were sad their only daughter couldn't spend the actual holiday with them.

I heard one of the ovens beeps and grabbed an oven mitt. I slowly grabbed the silver handle and opened the compartment, letting the steam and smoke blow into my face. I grinned at the turkey inside. It turned into a lovely mahogany color, some parts darker then the other indicating the roast. Pieces of once green herbs lay shriveled as if they were in the sun for too long. The butter smeared across the turkey made it glistened and shine like a polished jewel.

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