Chromaticity Chronicles (10)

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The final installment. May not be the happiest though. Enjoy!

(10) Ivory Snow Streaks in the Sand

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(10) Ivory Snow Streaks in the Sand

Maybe he'll miss the snow and the silence of the world.

The carriage tumbled and shivered its splintered silver edges as it trekked the snowy landscape. It's walls barely constructed a shield to the snarling winds that wished to squeeze inside with the two occupants.

Neither of them had said anything up until this point. And there really wasn't any need too.

The morning would have been like any other morning, except instead of going down the hall to the training grounds, Thanatos made a sharp right turn. The snow always seemed the freshest in the mornings. He could see his tiny handprints in the ground as he passed by the outside.

Maybe he was going to start off the day with chess? Oh, but then why did he take that turn when he was supposed to go over-

Hypnos was wandering around the kitchen, taking his body where his feet moved him. Why weren't there any servants? Where were all the chefs and Irma? Ah, those days where she would bring him and his brother to the kitchen to try one of her new recipes. He could taste a hill of her famous carrot soup on his tongue.

But instead a apple's sour crunch filled up his mouth. He didn't sit down to enjoy his morning coffee.

Has it always been this dark outside? No, it must still be night, or very early in the morning. Quickly now- the carriage is waiting. You'll have to move now or else they will catch you.

I know. I know it's not fair. It shouldn't have to end like this, but it does.

They were hugging. Neither of them knew why exactly. Maybe to cultivate some much needed warmth- but then why would they have brought so many damn heat lamps...

Their faces were nestled in each other's shoulders. A perfect pair of halves to a whole in one being.

Strange, strange, strange.

When did it suddenly get warmer? The sun was actually radiating waves of heat off of their shoulders. Their fur pelts melted off of their collars and their layers seemed to lessen. Oh but that just means to keep one layer as strong as titanium and hard as a diamond.

Hypnos looked towards his brother, who was now growing a facial bread. His gloved hands felt around and caressed the beginnings of a stubble forming. Their hair grew darker and thicker by the hour, losing its gleaming luster into full opaque manes that looked like they could hide just about any secret.

Shoulders broadening, chests expanding. Minds swirling with the sands of time. Hades clasped his hand on each of their shoulders. Warmth bloomed like never.

Very strange, they should be up by now.

Irma quietly walked into Thanatos' room but her voice was nothing compared to the shattering of the tea cups in her hands as barren beds and closets that once was stuffed to the brim now was starved with only a few ribs of clothing on its racks.

Hypnos' was no different.

Like two phantoms they swept through the palace, and laid their hands in the pools of people's hearts. Time was up.

It was finally time. Thanatos stared at himself early that morning in the mirror just before his last round of his usual walk.

I'm outgrowing myself. And that terrifies me.

Hands run through his hair, he could already feel the grease build up.

But I know that a part of myself- no matter how large or small- has been waiting for this transition.

There was no more snow, no more cold. Less of the night and more of the day, even in the Underworld.

Deep down, I'm peering into the future to see how all of this ends up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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