Chapter 30 Analysis Part 2

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The ImageBy far my favorite chapter of the Black Dawn!This is a perspective of what mornings would look like between them if things were to go well

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The Image
By far my favorite chapter of the Black Dawn!
This is a perspective of what mornings would look like between them if things were to go well. This is what the beginnings of the day would be as husband and wife.
The bubbly and happy interactions, the soft and passionate looks- this is what it all could be. This is the parallel of Carnelian Damsel in the Red Dawn, do you notice?


I want to take a look at the main course of this chapter, the delicious breakfast treat of waffles.

Waffles are usually depicted as a sweet treat to someone in reality. However, in dreams it can have various meanings. Good and Bad.

They brings sweetness in taste, and thus the dream can relate to joy, happiness, or satisfaction on a particular task. Waffling over a particular subject in a dream indicates that you must think wisely before you act in real life. "By wrongly expressing yourself, you will unnecessarily make a wrong impression about self."

Waffles are typically given on the weekends, as celebrations for something like getting through the week or in general to cheer someone up. Aurora mentioned that it was the weekend, so what better breakfast than waffles? So sweet, sweet shadowy dreams....


Let's also notice Aurora's homemade gesture.

Thanatos is used to servants bring him meals, no doubt breakfast too. But this is different. This is from Aurora.

Look at the difference between Thanatos' usual dining vs his dining with Aurora. The palace servants are obligated to prepare meals for the Emperor, it is their jobs. Aurora does not have that job or obligation. She was not forced in any way to put together a meal for the king, she did it so for his own benefit. Not for coin or advantage.

There is as well the notion that the cooks in the palace do cook very well, probably more than Aurora. But the taste was not important. Not to Thanatos. It was the thought behind it.

Thanatos figured out through Aurora's babbling that she is not a great cook, just like his brother. Yet she spent time, her quality morning in the kitchen,
making a chaotic mess just to give him a good meal to make him feel better.

And he greatly appreciates the gesture.

The reason why he said he wanted only Aurora to make him waffles wasn't because of how good it was, partly yeah, but it was the personal intent within making it that he could feel while devouring it. Something he wouldn't taste when the cooks would make it.


This is good, a good sign.

Thanatos successfully slept another night. And he was given some thoughtful advice from the one he trusts the most unknowingly.

This is why being with Aurora heals him. She knows all the right moves and knows how to maneuver him in the right direction without even trying.

If he would have had this interaction with his family, it would have been a disaster. Hemera and Eris would have tried to push him to say his feelings, and would ask him constantly. Hypnos would have tried to help him with some of his wisdom, but Thanatos would not take it so seriously and than a fist fight would happen.

Aurora did not ask, did not pry or make assumptions. She offered only gave advice in general to his well-being. A mere suggestion and reassurance. No pressure, no indulgence. She wants him to realize that she is here for him no matter what.

She wants to know that he is ok.

Thanatos is merely shocked by her questioning of his well-being. Of course his siblings were constantly around him, but they never truly inquired about his mental health. Mostly because they didn't know how.

He was always the savior to them. He was the help and was the person to go to. But what happens when their savior needs a savior of their own? They are helpless.

Frankly, how do you approach your oldest sibling who is the Emperor about their well-being? It's a very personal topic and can seem intruding. They must have seen Hypnos and Thanatos fighting about it and thought that it would be the same if one of them diverged into the topic.

Aurora has the advantage of being an outsider. She is the fresh air that Thanatos needs. A breathe from the suffocation that he has constantly been around.

A good change.


When I tell you I screamed. I screamed.

This is very big step in their relationship because of Thanatos' new perspective of Aurora.

He now sees her as his equal. His Empress.

That's a huge deal. Thanatos realizes that now Aurora is enough and not denying his feelings anymore. We are now in the stage of the Blue Dawn. Remember that timeline where Aurora figured out she loved him and Thanatos was still oblivious to his true feelings? Even when he realized that Aurora means more to him than the average lover?

The romance is coming full force ladies and gentlemen. Let's how they don't get burn reaching to high.

There you have it folks! A short, sweet analysis

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There you have it folks! A short, sweet analysis.

Enjoy some waffles while reading this!


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