Chapter 3 Analysis

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Here's the mothafuckin' tea for this week's chapter:

 Here's the mothafuckin' tea for this week's chapter:

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First things first- Aurora's here!

Well, the Black Dawn version of her anyway.

So, let's discuss how Aurora was introduced into the godly realm. It was almost kind of... rushed? Aurora was in the library of her university when it happened. By the way, this indication that she is a freshmen in university means that she is slightly older then the canon version.

Aurora was in her campus' library which was surprising quiet and empty, and then she noticed that the whole building was deserted. She didn't think much of it, but this was definitely a ploy in the plot to corner Aurora when no one was looking or present. And the one who comes to retrieve her is Conrad!

Brief note, Conrad is a archmage that teaches at Donata Academy located in Italy. In the Red Dawn, he worked alongside Thanatos to help Aurora discover her magic and her connections to the then deceased Hecate. And it seems here in the Black Dawn he has a similar role.

Now, the reason I say the introduction for Aurora seemed rushed, is because it speeded through already two months through the time she has been introduced to the world of gods and their existence and even the interaction that Conrad had when he first presented himself to Aurora was brief and kind. Straight to the point.

Thanatos did not do the same thing in the Red Dawn. The way he approached the situation regarding the fact Aurora is Hecate's descendent was brutal and immoral. He was attracted to her at first sight, completely enamored with the pure soul that she had and her enduring personality. But his actions were drawn out in order to better evaluate their relationship and feelings towards each other. Plus, it was a lot more difficult for Thanatos to get Aurora to accept the fact that he was real and her lineage line was godly.

Conrad is a complete 180 from Thanatos' technique of getting Aurora to comprehend her destiny. He was kind to her, unlike Thanatos who tortured her and made her sanity shrink with blackmail and taunts. With this, Conrad had a more effective way to get Aurora to easily understand her backstory and go with him to Italy and study magic.

Now, let's talk about Aurora's feelings during her time at her university. It's very similar to in The Red Dawn when Aurora was at the beach house with Trita and Sonya where Aurora really didn't know why she had felt these certain feelings of hopelessness and loss, like she was missing out on something. Her own body knows, the mortal life is not for her, that she was made for something greater outside of exams and study groups. In her university, Aurora described herself as being trapped. Caged, like a bird where the world is passing by and she is at a stand still.

And when the feeling became unbearable, that's when Conrad appeared. The emotion boiling at its highest point cools down low into an explanation given by Conrad.

Why was her installation into the sphere so quick that when we first see her, she's already learning magic two months in since her introduction to Conrad? Because time is vital.

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