When Cerulean and Cerise Meet

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I was rereading the Tales Chapters, (for the 50th time), and I got to "Periwrinkle Snowflake Cheer", and I got the idea from what Thanatos said to Aurora,

"I wish I knew you when we were younger,"


An explosion, dynamite, volcanic eruption, meteor shower! So I got on it.

*Keep in mind Thanatos is WAY older than Aurora, so he would have had to time travel to get to her time period to meet. This is just to ward off any confusion later on.


"What if, you and I were meant to part ways, only so that we could find each other again."

The midsummer's breeze curled through the sun's sweltering coat with bisque rays stitched in

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The midsummer's breeze curled through the sun's sweltering coat with bisque rays stitched in. It purred the ocean's breaths, salty and husky undertones that traveled around the beach.

Three little girls sat on the grainy sand that shone with the morning's caramel glow. One of the little girls with hair that was dipped in dark chocolate and eyes sparkling with emeralds, cupped a handful of sand and dunked it into brightly colored molds that depicted sandcastles and sea creatures.

Besides her, a girl smaller in stature, but eyes wide and full with a basket of lemons twirling within them, gently poured water into the molds. She watched carefully as the liquid trickled into the absorbent skin of the sand. Locks of snow dangled in her gaze, almost camouflaging with the pale hue of her forehead.

"Sonya! Put more water or the sandcastles won't form!" A high-pitched voice spoke.

Sonya looked at her friend, rubbing her blush tinted lips against each other as her eyebrows twitched with annoyance. "They will not be able to stand upright with so much water in them, Trita."

Her murmur was dainty and drizzled soft silk amongst her words whilst her tone was spoken softly and so airy that it may get caught in the wind.

Trita merely rolled her eyes and morphed her mouth into an adorable pout.

"Fine, just pour in the stupid water so we can get to sand castling!"

An illustration then unveiled itself in the young girl's mind, making her emeralds gleam and little mouth shape into an 'O'. A colossal castle stood in front of her, its walls cemented with a billion shingles that all make up the towering beast of a structure. It's height matched that of a Sequoia, no-a dinosaur even!

Trita gazed inside the interior of the gaping gates of the entrance with the sight of a lost wanderer. Plush cushions were scattered everywhere, leaning against each other like drunken old pals, while others were stacked against each other in a game of chicken fight.

Further back where the light didn't shine as bright, stood a stage. But, no singer was in sight, only a desolate stage with a microphone stand, no microphone in its grasp. Only a thin stream of lamplight streaked down on its mushy floors of sand. It seems like too much water was poured into it.

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