Chapter 29 Analysis

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A short analysis for you all, I'm working on a new chapter... another sneak peek at the end of the analysis!

 another sneak peek at the end of the analysis!

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The Duo Imbalances

This chapter is essentially about what I call the Duo Imbalances.

Alexus and Eris.

Both women who struggle with the deep yearning to be loved by the people who reject them forcefully. Them coming together in separate scenes is just a mind blowing realization that they are parallels to Aurora and Thanatos' characters. Eris is the delusional sister desperately trying to get her older brother to see what she could offer, and Alexus is the mage who is trying to reach the top and get her closest friend to see her in a certain light.

Hecate was wise to reveal Alexus' hidden nature for psychotics tendencies to Aurora. She knew that she needed to word it delicately because Aurora might take offense, but managed to guide her to be careful around the unstable mage.

Alexus is a emotionally stunted person, she does not know how to properly deal with feelings, like Thanatos and Aurora. However, she doesn't do it in a healthy way as opposed to Aurora, who she herself finds it to be difficult to express her emotions. Aurora does have empathic perceptions, however, and Thanatos although selfish, focuses on his family and has genuine care and concern for them.

Alexus doesn't have care for anyone but herself. If she managed to get Aurora as her lover, she would still hold herself as number one priority. She also lies to others about her true intentions to seem pitiful and innocent. Trying to convey for your actions with redirection to blame on something or someone else is shameful.

Remember in the Red Dawn when she constantly but the blame of her actions of Thanatos' influence on Aurora? How she said she was blinded by them and their monstrous ways, when she herself was the true monster.

She doesn't take responsible for her actions, even if she may seem like she does- she twists it around to control the aspect of it. Her immaturity to not see the truth in situations regarding what she wants puts all the more reason for Aurora to be extremely cautious around her.

Hecate mentioned a important detail about Alexus. She has been trying to master Blood Magic for nearly a decade. That is a very long time, but Thanatos has mentioned that it has taken mages almost 20 years to finally master it. However, to have spent such a long period studying a very dangerous element of magic can take a toll on your mind.

One thing I am grateful for as Hecate is alive is that she is more perceptive than Conrad is. Don't get me wrong, he is a strong mage, however Hecate is a legend in the world of magic for good reason. She sees all and knows almost every being's intentions by logical fault. For her to be observing Alexus closely is raising suspicions that she knows what Alexus is capable of.

And now that she has revealed Alexus' true intentions, it makes sense to Aurora. So now it makes her feel even more isolated because she just unknowingly realized that even if she is far from the palace, there are still sharks in the water.

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