Chapter 8 Analysis

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Come on, one more chapter let's goooo!!

Come on, one more chapter let's goooo!!

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Let me start off by saying:

"A good liar knows that the most efficient lie is always a truth that has had a key piece removed from it." - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Aurora has already mastered the art of lying. This doesn't mean that she likes the taste that it leaves in her mouth. Lying is a contradictory skill to master and you need to have the right mindset for it. To practice your mask, your voice, and your intentions comes as no easy feet to anyone. Others are just naturally good at it, Thanatos and Aurora are good examples of fast learners.

Right now, Aurora is trying to take comfort in her and Trita's conversation to ease her nerves of meeting Hecate. It must be frustrating knowing that you don't have anyone to talk to about what's really going on and what should she do. Aurora is alone in this despite having Conrad and the others by her side.

But, they don't truly know what she is going through. She needs someone that has a special connection to her to open up. The best thing she can do right now is find a masked joy to distract herself with.

Trita's bad baking habits is a thankful icebreaker in her troubled mind. It offers a teasing discussion with her closest friend while waiting for Sonya to arrive.

Aurora's lie to her friends about going to a party further guilts her about the mistruths that she is putting in their minds. Well, I mean, she's not wrong about going to a party...

Just some minor detail faults.

We can see Aurora's attitude has started to changed as well. She is garnering impatience, not sitting around looking pretty and started to take control over the situation at hand. Like Thanatos, Aurora does not like to be left out of important details, and knowing this whole plan has already been figured out without her knowledge in her involvement is infuriating to her.

Now, the goddess and the mortal have finally met.

Conrad is a bit astonished by how Aurora is acting towards Hecate, a literal god that can smite her into ashes at any given moment. But Aurora isn't stupid, she knows when to keep her mouth shut- sometimes.

Aurora's silence to Hecate's arrival proves that she was absolutely done with the secrecy and the lying. She didn't have time to kiss ass or pleasantries. She wanted to know right here, right now.

Her new side of defiance surprises Conrad for the right reasons. Aurora never had to backtalk to him or dispute anything of him because he had earned her respect. Aurora only ever shows her true lioness when threatened or challenged. And right now, it's started to peak out of its den at the sight of the person who is causing her mind anguish.

Hecate seems to be an understanding individual, not at all perturb to how this mortal girl is talking back to her. She is one of the rare immortal beings that is actually considerate of other's feelings in a situation and tries to ease them in as best as possible.

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