Chapter 30 Analysis Part 1

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Star Filled Sky

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Star Filled Sky

Alright, we have a lot to unpack, so let us begin.

Let's do the first encounter and the first real murder of Thanatos. Uranus.

The former King of the Gods and Primordial Being of the Sky. And the one thing that was standing in the Old Family's way to stardom. Uranus was just the first domino to topple before the rest, the unlucky being to have fallen in the hands of Death.

Now, at the start- it's peaceful. It always is in life and in nightmares. Like a cruel illusion of hope when there is none. Thanatos is with his uncle looking at the stars in the sky. I want you to notice how Uranus acts when he laughs and his mannerisms. He is acting just like his grand-son, Zeus the former King of the Gods.

Aren't the parallels cruel for that?

I think that's what hurt Thanatos the most when he assassinated Zeus, he was committing the crime all over again, killing kings and being bathed in their blood. He was basically killing the same person all over again in a different time, a new rebirth of his uncle. And that pains him because they were both fatherly figures towards him, even if Thanatos belonged to a different clan, they accepted him into their own. Big mistake.

But, like all dreams, nothing lasts forever.

Smiling Hurts

It hurts to smile, it truly does.

How ironic that the expression of joy pains us all to perform. Like a show, it's always a show.

Sometimes people do not want to smile because they are left out in the open and people stare. Your mouth is partly open and your teeth are showing. For all to see. No matter how whiten your teeth are, it can not hide the pitch black abyss that is behind it. Sometimes people are afraid that something will escape their mouths that aren't supposed to when they smile, because it's an opening.

With Thanatos' case, Uranus points out that he should try smiling when he doesn't have a dagger to his back. When he isn't being forced to do this horrendous acts.

When he is free from the dark tar.

Erebus has been on Thanatos about killing Uranus for a while, and he won't take no for an answer. It suffocates him to no end. And when he did smile, it was with malice and intent.

Lies and deceit, not happiness and care free.

Thanatos didn't like smiling not because of it's original intention, it was because the intention he had to make it to be.

Stained Blood

Blood is a substances that is rich and full of our nourishments. A healthy dose that swarms our body and feeds our heart. It stays in our body, for we are forever stained with it from the inside.

It's hidden from view.

Thanatos never had that luxury, of keeping blood in the body, it always manages to appear on his hands and face. It stained the white marble floor beneath Uranus and Thanatos as he killed him.

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