Topaz Drizzle

421 16 22

The sound of rain woke me from my deep slumber.

My vision was hazy until a couple of blinks cured the grogginess. I was on my stomach, facing the transparent door that led to the balcony. The sky was coated in a gloomy gray, with thunderclouds rolling around with bellies full of rain.

The windows were glazed with the tears of the sky, descending down their bodies in streams. I let out a small yawn as the sound of pelting drops relaxes me. Unfortunately, that's no the only thing it does. The sudden calls of nature rolled over me like a wave.

I needed to pee, badly.

I pushed myself off the bed. Well, tried to. A heavyweight was nestled on top of my body, caging me to the mattress. I looked over my shoulder to find a head of ruffled black hair on the back of my neck.

Little strands swayed through the air like reeds, tickling my nose and making my face scrunch up.

Thanatos' body was laying on top of mine, making it quite difficult to complete my task. Arms with muscles that could crack diamonds were wrapped securely around my waist. My legs were in between his as his legs spread out beside them.

I lifted my head further to examine the fine specimen clung to my back like a monkey. I felt the outlining of his abs on my spine. The contouring of his back was so defined it looked as if it was carved by Michelangelo. His boxer clad behind was firm and poised as his globes were half covered by the white sheet.

The sudden need to go to the bathroom got stronger. I gently turned around in his arms, making his face pressed against my breasts like they were pillows. I pulled my arms out of his grasp and let my fingers swim through the sea that was his thick mane.

"Thanatos" I called out to him softly.

A grumble was all that came from the god. I groaned and lifted the upper half of my body, "Baby..."

Thanatos just nuzzled his face further into my chest. My poor breasts...

Alright, I'm about to piss my fucking pants if he doesn't move in the next few seconds. A light bulb appeared over my bedridden hair. I leaned down until my lips were lightly caressing his ear.

"Darling," I spoke with a sultry voice.

"Baby, I'm in need-"

Thanatos' head shot up like a rocket, his red eyes wide with anticipation and eagerness that I almost felt bad for what I was going to say next- almost.

"-to use the bathroom."

I let a cheeky smile as the eagerness now morphed into confusion and then anger. He let out an animalistic growl and rolled us over, me now straddling him.

He gazed up at me with frustration imprisoned within the depths of crimson, my poor Thane.

"Did you have to tease me in order to get out of bed?"

I giggled as I slapped away the hands seeking to have an adventure in the lands of my anatomy. "Do you really think that simply asking to get off is a smart choice with you?"

He rolled his eyes and cupped my face in his hands and brought me down to him. My hair curtained around us, making as if we were in our own little world. My eyes closed as a pair of lips made contact with mine.

My hands crawled up his naked chest, wrapping around his neck. Thanatos' tongue swiped my bottom lip, asking to let in, to be at home.

I gladly oblige and parted my lips and our tongues clashed and my mind evaporated into mist.

Tales of DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon