Chromaticity Chronicles (2)

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(2) Seasonal Carnation Blossoms

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(2) Seasonal Carnation Blossoms

Cherry blossoms fell down from heaven to earth.

Their petals so velvet and flushed that it felt like a peck to the skin every time they fell on her. Aurora sighed against the darkened bark of the tree. Her skin has been littered with thousands of kisses since she sat here and she basked in them.

It made her swollen stomach tumble and turn as a few flowers landed on the round bump. Little hands pressed against the petals, trying to reach them through the barrier that kept them safe from the outside world.

She caressed her stomach gently, like a globe of everlasting life. A life that she and Thanatos created.

Speaking of which, the man in question sat beside her. His skin getting its fair share of velvet pecks as well. His hand was pressed on the center of her stomach where he felt their product of love shift.

She was their creation, their devotion to each other in life. She would be their light as well as to others. Her hands would be carved from her mother's elegance and her heart would bleed her father's tenacity.

Her eyes will glow with life and death's perseverance and her lips with trickle with the essence of earth's nectar.

She will be glorious and theirs to call their daughter.

They couldn't wait to meet her and cuddle to her closely. Pressing skin and kissing her little head like cherry blossom petals.

Singing her lullaby's and teaching her the ways of life. Watching her grow and they stood behind her.

Now is the time to wait. Wait and see to meet their little one.

Theia, we will be waiting, always.

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