Tropical Aquamarine

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I felt something, or rather someone weighing down on my back. My groan came out narcoleptic as my posterior coiled with ached tension from the pressure.

Whatever was on me decided that sitting wasn't enough and started to bounce up and down like a pogo stick. I opened an eye and looked behind me only to meet with a pair of red irises, shimmering like rubies in the early morning light, though they weren't the red eyes that I was expecting.

Turning around fully I sat up straight with my little monster making himself comfortable in my lap. I smiled lovingly at my son while he gave me one of his adorable grins, his canines glimmering with an unknown viciousness.

"Mommy," He whispered softly, knowing any loud noises will cause a disturbance to my ears.

I ran my fingers through his golden locks and kissed his little forehead, "Good morning Rem, to what do I owe the pleasure of having your delightful presence this early?"

Rem's cheeks flushed and he looked down bashfully while choosing to twiddle with his chubby fingers, "Forgive me, did I wake you?"

My heart filled with unending love and admiration, my sweet boy had the most proper manners and was such a gentle being at heart with an exterior made of stone, just like his father.

I chuckled lightly, making sure that Mr. Grumpy McGloom next to me doesn't wake up yet. "Well, what would you think if you felt a weight of an elephant laying on your backside?" I teased.

"But, dad is always on top of you all of the time, yet you don't seem to be fazed enough to wake from your slumber." He replied with a mischievous twinkle in his ruby eyes. I stared at him blankly while he giggled.

"That's different son, you see I belong there." A husky voice spoke from the other side of the bed.

Thanatos laid on his side leaning on his elbow with his bed-ridden head resting on his hand. Exhaustion was evident on his face, the piled cases he had to deal with on Earth for the last couple of weeks has caught up to him like a virus.

He also let his stubble grow and now it was now a full grown beard. At this point, I would guess that he was too drained to even assess his facial hair. But, hell if I didn't mind. He sure gave off a sexy lumberjack look right now.

I grabbed a small throw pillow and launched it at him. The cushion hit him square in the face, but his lack of energy resulted in him simply letting it make contact with the bridge of his nose and slip down to the silk sheets.

Rem crawled out of the warmth from my lap and laid down in between the two of us.

"How was work, dad? Did you get to collect souls? Did anything interesting happen? Oh, what about Shadow? Did he steal anything at all?"

Questions shot out of his mouth like little rockets. Always the curious one he is, he got that from my side of the family. Though he got his father's mischief and charm. Hopefully, he won't grow up to be such a ladies-man like Thanatos, but knowing that he shared the same blood with him, its inevitable.

Thanatos crossed his muscular arms as he looked at Rem, "Just the same as always, nothing exciting- just very tedious."

Rem was smart for a 6-year old. He talked like as if he were a full grown adult in a child's body which happens to intimidate people when they first encounter him. Like a sponge, he always absorbed anything he learned.

Typically I was afraid of indulging him of what Thanatos does for a living. Since it's not the most PG-13 job in the world, I was surprised when he expressed interest in his father's field. Occasionally he asks about my doing, which he is equally engrossed with.

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