Chapter 4 Analysis

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Ok, so not much to discuss in depth for this chapter, but we did get a peek of what Thanatos is like in this version

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Ok, so not much to discuss in depth for this chapter, but we did get a peek of what Thanatos is like in this version.

He still avoids his problems- he tried delaying the dinner between his mother, Hemera and Hypnos until Opis came to get him. 

Let's observe his interaction between him and Opis. Thanatos grants his kindness and acknowledges him at a familiar level where he has a close relationship to the old butler because he has been with him since the very beginning. His annoyance with Opis calling him by his royal title grants the fact that Thanatos has still some care in his heart for those who- to other godly beings- are beneath him in the status. 

Nyx has never understood why Thanatos even glances their way- like she can not comprehend that these people that have bathed him and feed him- hell loved him more then she has ever showed him in his life time and he honors them with his kindness. Nyx does not want him to be kind. To anyone! Of course, she's a hypocrite because when he turns on her, she expects him to bestow an exception for her since she is his mother.

Give me a fucking break.

You can feel the infuriation that Thanatos has with her at the dinner when she states,

"You say you don't want to marry her and yet you jump to her defense?"

First off, it may seem like Nyx doesn't understand what a natural and healthy love between siblings looks like- and that's part of it. But the main reason she says that is to manipulate Thanatos' thinking of Hemera. She wants to twist his views and confuse him and make him question with his defensible behavior towards her is the love of a sibling.... or a lover.


And, as I expected, Hemera is not on board with any of this. She loves her brother dearly, but this is just awkward for her to deal with. She has similar views as Thanatos when it comes to family. If she's going to marry someone and have children with them, it be out of love and trust. Not a negotiation on behalf that a woman is using her husband's death to make a everlasting decision on their lives that will haunt them forever.

I suspect that Hemera will meet Aurora and watch her for a while. She will become companions with her and they both will understand the situation is unwanted between her and Thanatos. Once she sees and views that Aurora is good for her brother, she will help both of them see through their feelings for each other and help dodge Nyx's claws from tearing them about.

Let's turn to Thanatos and Hypnos. Their relationship is- fried, needless to say. Thanatos describes it as a push and pull situation. Where they will be inseparable for months at a time but can't stand to be near each other the next.

It's saddening to hear from Thanatos that their connection isn't what it used to be. Can it be brought back? Hm, I mean I don't think it will ever be the same as before- but I'm not saying that they can't make something good of it that was even better than before.

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