Sable Premise

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Welcome, Everyone!

I know, I know. An update, what a miracle! Though, this isn't a regular update that you'd expect. As you all know, and if you don't check out Devita33's page to see what I'm talking about, a new book is on the horizon!

Thanatos: The Black Dawn

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard me right- the saga continues! I'm overjoyed about this news as much as you are right now. The book is still under construction, nevertheless, it still makes me buzz in excitement.

Just to give you a recap, The Black Dawn focuses on a vision from the Moirai as they manifest a story for Aurora when she comes to visit them with a question in mind.

What if Thanatos was king?

Now, we all know he was practically bred for the throne, but the dream wasn't exactly fulfilled completely in the cannon series due to some events...

I've been thinking for the past few days on this idea and decided to ask Devita what she thought of it and she loved it. I've always been analytical when it comes to writing, dissecting it to the very bone, so that's what I'm going to do with The Black Dawn.

Here's how it's going to work, Devita has confirmed that she wants to pace the book on a weekly schedule, so that means you'll be getting weekly updates from me as well. I'll be dissevering the chapters to the core, giving my analysis on character's behaviors, symbolisms, Greek mythology, and more!

Of course, if you guys have anything to add on or any theories, (there will be ALOT of those, trust me) feel free to comment and share your perspectives!

The updates will be up probably on an estimated time frame of one to two days after the chapter is uploaded. There will be some chapters that I won't do a page on for the simple reason that it will be straightforward and people get the idea of it and isn't needed to be elaborated further, but this is Thanatos we're talking about- since when are things simple when it comes to him?

Question: Does this mean that I am not going to post any one-shots of Thanatos and Aurora?Answer: Of course not, I know I suck with timely updates with stories, but I try to manage. 

Motivation is a hard thing to come by. Plus I like to post something that is worthwhile and won't burn out like a single.

Alright then, now that that's out of the way let's progress to our first analysis.I know, there isn't a chapter to analyze... but there are things to think about. We have acquired some hefty information from the Premise.

Let's talk about the overall title and aura surrounding the book. The Black Dawn centers around crepuscular and ghastly hues and themes. It might be puzzling to some of you since the color black has technically been used for The Old Family, but I assure you it is fitting in its way. You see, with The Old Family it surrounds the color black with Nyx's clan in its entirety and the struggle and endless trauma and lurked in the shadows of the Ice Palace. Also, the shades were more... somber I should say. I would use 'lighter' but that would contradict the idea I'm going for. I can already tell for The Black Dawn that it will exclude a brutal and vicious ambiance that deems no mercy.

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