Chapter 14 Analysis Part 2

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I'm literally going to grab Thanatos' neck through the screen.

I'm literally going to grab Thanatos' neck through the screen

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Alright, not much to analyze here, only the utter desperate attempt at sabotage.

It seems like every time we see Thanatos, the more ridiculous his actions are, and thoughts. But seriously, sabotaging perfectly good food? Come on now.

Aurora must be blocking his witty and smarter plans from getting to his brain because- he just ruined a perfectly good octopus salad!

I love octopus! How dare he!

Now, will Hypnos be surprised by his brothers actions? No. Will he be surprised by the type of actions Thanatos has executed? Yes.

This little slip up he did was incredibly petty and under-handed. Good thing Hypnos won't be too mad about it because that's just what he wants from Thanatos.

It's now noticeable how Thanatos has changed up his act to seem formal for this dinner. Hypnos and Irma definitely noticed. As well as his nervous and increasing level to puke. He is that repulsed at the thought of his twin and Aurora together. Yet he still feels guilt for trying to take something away from him because of his own selfish desires.

Once again, this ties back to Hypnos' discussion with Hecate about the gods foregoing their needs and desires to the upmost level. And with Thanatos, it seems like he rather deals with the guilt later rather than try to avoid causing it at all. Typical.

Let's talk about Hypnos' strategy. He made this whole set up incredibly romantic. He mentions that Aurora loves romantic sceneries and to be basked in passionate serenades. Why does he mention this? For one, the obvious is to make Thanatos think that Hypnos is trying his upmost hardest to win over Aurora, signaling how serious he is about her. And number two, unconsciously making him compare their efforts to woo Aurora together so that Thanatos can see that he needs to up his game by a maximum to gain the heart of his fair maiden.

But that's not all. Hypnos even tells Thanatos to lie to Aurora about the food being made by him. Thanatos knows that Hypnos never likes to lie, so this is an instant red flag in his mind that he needs to get things moving before it's too late. Hypnos is placing warning signals in everyone of his actions to guide Thanatos into a raging war path to win over Aurora's affections.

Also, pretty smart of Hypnos to not show his face while he's telling his brother all of these things because, his expressions would have given him away. Hypnos is the unemotional twin, so lying isn't in his job description. He doesn't do to well with showing his emotions so lying can be difficult for him. But that doesn't mean that he still can't come up with a pretty convincing lie in another way. Just loopholes people. Thanatos feels all emotions so he knows which one to pin point and that's what makes him such a good manipulator.

Since Hypnos sent Hemera to get Aurora and meet with her to bring her to the designated spot, they will have a few conversations and a curious Hemera may find out why her brothers are so enticed by this mortal.

Irma is so sweet and cute! I love that she made herself into a mother figure for the twins and the family. Even Thanatos mentions that he wishes that she were his mother instead of the wicked bitch of the north.

As for Thanatos' eating habits, he might as well have be starving without knowing it. He looks healthy on the outside, but on the inside, he is deteriorating.

I don't know guys let's see what happens in the next chapter. Chile. Poor Markos.

#GetMarkosAChiropractorLet's see what's in store for us in chapter 15

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Let's see what's in store for us in chapter 15....

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