Chapter 14 Analysis

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The wheels are turning...

Alright let's talk hallucinations

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Alright let's talk hallucinations.

"Hallucinations are sensory experiences that appear real but are created by your mind. They can affect all five of your senses. For example, you might hear a voice that no else in the room can hear or see an image that isn't real." - Healthline

So essentially, Thanatos is seeing shit he ain't supposed to. This contributes to the fact that his desperation and irrational thoughts are combining into this mangled up mess. 

Also, Barrios is here! Welcome fellow reaper!

Now, with this council meeting, it gives insight on just how Thanatos' day goes. Listening to people argue before him whilst he sits brooding in the head chair. Hades is getting nervous. Something different in his character that we see here. In this version he is more inclined to show emotions than he did in the Red Dawn. This is probably because he no longer has to up keep the façade of the big bad underworld king who stole away a naïve maiden. 

Persephone is most certainly not naïve.

So you could say that being Thanatos' advisor does grant him some value in expressing his sentiments more freely then usual. Unfortunately, Hades' burden is now Thanatos, and you could see the switch happening right there.

Back to the illusion, did you see how real it was? When I was reading it I almost got second-hand embarrassment because I thought it was real and Thanatos was performing this scene in front of his subjects. That was how strong this illusion was and it felt very much real. Imagine what it felt like for Thanatos when he was imagining getting all hot and bothered with Aurora just in his mind?

Let's take a look at one thing that caught my attention when Thanatos was too drunk off of bliss in vanilla and brown sugar:

"I'm so sorry, my angel."

Y'all hear that? 

He can't even say his feelings for her at loud to himself in the mirror but he can fucking apologize to her in his dream? Unbelievable. 

Well, it's too be expected, oh! There's also this:

"Our kiss would be tender, passionate, electric, unforgettable, but most importantly, it would be long overdue."

Oh, he's got it bad.

So bad!

Thanatos is thinking too much into this. He thinks too much. That's (one of ) his problems. He thinks that he needs to analyze it deeper, think out of the box, why is this mortal constantly plaguing his mind? Why was she even affecting him in the first place? Why is she affecting him so much so that he can't even think straight and almost caused a war in his own empire?


I'll tell you why, you overgrown dollar store grim reaper. He needs to accept it. To let it all in and then see how he feels about it. Thanatos thinks he isn't going to like it and nothing good isn't going to come out of it. In a way he is like Aurora in that aspect. He thinks he knows what's going to happen are how he is going to feel about it once it does. 

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