Chapter 12 Analysis

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Well, at least we know Shadow's alright... heh.

Aurora's frustration is valid on some levels in the sense of moral reality

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Aurora's frustration is valid on some levels in the sense of moral reality. However it does contradict with the workings of where she now resides. Meaning the godly realm where they do things differently.

Let me explain, if Aurora had this problem with Hecate and her plan in a mortal reality, she could get away and Hecate would have to leave her alone by the laws. But, she isn't in the mortal realm anymore. This is where the gods rule. Mortals are just little ants in their playground.

Gods do not go by such strictly moral laws mortals do. Which brings back to the conversational thoughts of Hypnos when he discussed with Hecate humans deprived need to indulge in their own desires and wants. Gods do have laws by monarchy, but they are just rules that abide to the well-being of the kingdom and its royals.

Aurora doesn't really have any power as to how her life is manipulated and twisted in this realm, and that infuriates her. For good reason too. She's watching herself being thrown to the wolves, and for what? To try and help a man who might not even be able to aid? It's unreasonable to her.

She gave up her life, her mortal life, and her career dream to be here. And now she regrets ever entering Conrad's portal that one day in the library.

Aurora is now showing the fierceness that Thanatos sees every other day to the people who thought she was a cool and calm person. She is. On the outside.

Hecate's temper has been revealed. As a esteemed goddess who rules over a domain of magic and various paths of the future, Hecate has to keep a cool and calm facade in order for intimidation and aloofness.

Seeing her anger go out in the open has Conrad and Samaria frightened a bit. Mostly because a mortal like Aurora has managed to make a unaffected god like Hecate burst out into flames. It wouldn't be Aurora's first rodeo in making a god angry...

Hecate's frustration is also clear. She knows what Aurora thinks of her but true to push it away for the sake of her main objective, getting Aurora and Thanatos together. Although, it does seem a bit selfish to try and force upon a relationship between two stubborn individuals. But, Hecate does have a right point that Aurora is bias to the rumors regarding Thanatos' mannerisms and behavior.

It also doesn't help that he kind of did justify the rumors when they first met, and their second meeting. Hypnos is going to have to discuss with Thanatos how he comes across to people and how it affects their view of him.

Thanatos may be used to the fawning of women and men, but they are from his empire, his world. They do not bat an eye when he kills someone or acts rather ruthlessly on the throne.

Aurora is different. She sees him in a different light from her stand point and that is what's driving her away. She's acting like Thanatos is truly a monster.

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