Chromaticity Chronicles (3)

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(3) Multi-Chrome Beats and Thumping Hearts

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(3) Multi-Chrome Beats and Thumping Hearts

How could she have not noticed it before?

The stereos and the bass thumped in sync to everyone's heartbeats. But only a pair lead on their own harmony, oblivious to the difference they had to the world around them.

Aurora stood next to her husband on a platform that overlooked the dance floor. The night's air was electrified with everyone's energy cackling in their grooving. The red wine in her hands was as sweet as the gaze that passed between the young ones.

She leaned her head against Thanatos' shoulder and he leaned his own on top of hers while sending her a perplexed gaze.

"You've been looking far off into space. What's got you daydreaming?"

Aurora trailed her eyes towards the dance floor and Thanatos followed until he stopped at what was at the center. He smiled softly at his daughter laughing at something Malreus had said. She had her mother's grace and his integrity. A perfect combination of their love.

But he entirely missed the point of why Aurora was gazing at them so fondly.

Could he not see the mirror? Does Malreus' lidded eyes not remind him of those hazy moments in the night where he watches his wife dress down to get into bed with him?

Does Theia's smile not reflect Aurora's sly one when she is about to pounce and tease him until the very edge?

Such a strange and oblivious man.

Aurora left it alone and didn't try to point it out for him. He would figure it out eventually. As would they.

Theia and Malreus were the best of friends. It was how it always began. And slowly as time went by, the boundaries between friends and something else approached. And Aurora watched it all from the sidelines.

She so desperately wanted them to see and she saw. But she kept to herself.

It would be more satisfying for them to figure it out themselves like she and Thanatos had in their youth.

And it would be a beautiful bloom.

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