Mauve Drenched Moonlight

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Tell me how I was awake since 6:45 in the fucking morning to go to school for a study session about AP Lang on a fucking Saturday.




Sleep Deprivation?

We don't know her.

We fuck with her.

CONCLUSION: I'm tired, I wrote this a long time ago pero my procrastinating fatass decided to wait almost three weeks after Halloween to post this.


That's all that matters.

Play the song, yes it's a Disney song, and yes it's from the Sleeping Beauty movie ironically, but you'll see why in the chapter.

ALSO, ever noticed how Malifcient and Nyx are a bit similar? OOP.



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It was everywhere, mistifying in the corners with its shadowy features, polished with a seductive glimmer. It drowned the curtains and drapes with its atramentous hue, delineated the walls- soaring to the very top with feathery brushstrokes.

Slits of plum and apricot silks swam through the inky waters in rebellious streaks. The clacks of heels and flats echoed against cold marble floors. 

Faces passed each other by, paying no mind to the various colors coating their cheekbones or lips. The ballroom was calm, yet charged with an underlying of electrifying excitement.

Spines tingled and coiled, while dresses floated when the herculean doors of the room where opened, welcoming the frigid winds of the outside along with a new guest.

Apollo let a cool smile ease onto his face as he sat on the throne. It did not shimmer or gleam with its countless gems embedded in its body. Now, it was coated in pure obsidian, yet slivers of gold were seen running through the solid rock, a reminder of the Olympian's origins.

The Underworld may be the realm where it's soil is rich with jewels, but the paucity of richness in light and pretentious auriferous artifacts sullied the environment by his standards. The young emperor's gaze swept throughout the grand ballroom of Hades. His verdant orbs lingered on the plush armchairs wavering off to the sides with their seats stained in onyx. The chandeliers, massive structures built of Black Jasper, moved on their own and crawled around the ceiling, murky cinereal fog bubbling within the depths of its ribcage while the lights changed their settings every so often.

Yes, so much darkness and black.

Despite the gloomy reputation of the Underworld, even Apollo must admit that Hades did a splendid job at organizing the event, though he'll never admit it through his lips.

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