Chapter 21 Analysis

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So, Thanatos and Aphrodite's relationship is way different in this version

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So, Thanatos and Aphrodite's relationship is way different in this version.

I predicted before that their relationship can go either way, and it went the way I presumed, they are actually lovers. Not the romantic kind.

Let me remind all of you how it played out in the Red Dawn. Thanatos revealed at the party where Aurora met all the Olympians, that he has never slept with Aphrodite, not even so much as touched her. This came as a surprise to Aurora, because Aphrodite is considered to be the most beautiful woman given that she is the goddess of love and beauty. Thanatos was right to not sleep with her in the Red Dawn because of the impression it will hold on Ares.

Ares and Thanatos were always against each other in both versions, but there's the difference in their hatred that includes Aphrodite. In the Red Dawn, if Thanatos were to have slept with her, which she has tried to seduce him multiple times, Ares would have saw it as Thanatos trying to be like him. Something Thanatos most definitely did not want to come across. You would have thought that sleeping with the main lover of a god would anger them, turns out it's just a big compliment that you want what they have. 

And, there's also the factor of Aphrodite's personality. She gets a lot better at the end of the Red Dawn, however Thanatos did say that he didn't need two Delilah's around him. Huh, I wonder when she'll turn up, if she'll turn up...

I hope not.

Back to Aphrodite, that little speculation concludes what we just read in her behavior towards Thanatos' actions of trying to seduce Aurora. She was jealous, because number one, Aurora is a mortal and she's a goddess yet now Thanatos is trying to woo her. Now in the Black Dawn, Aphrodite and Ares may not have had time to have started their infamous affair, so that left Thanatos to do as he wished with her without having to worry about what impressions he was making. But, in turn he gained a rather possessive goddess that gets enraged at the thought of someone saying that someone else is more gorgeous than her. Although, she's not as bad as Eris.

Thanatos didn't even mind that he didn't sleep with Aphrodite in the Red Dawn because he knew how attached she would grow to get hos attention fully on her. And would you look at that. It's happening currently in the parallel universe.

Continuing on, Aphrodite's comments kind of of made me want to punch her in the throat. Understandably, they all grew up and have been living in a society that worships Thanatos as the most handsome being and to even be given an ounce of his attention is a god's grace. However, it's quite insensitive to assume that Aurora's gay or mentally unstable simply because she rejected Thanatos' advances. 

Persephone herself seemed rather annoyed at the lack of heart Aphrodite put in her words about her new friend. Aphrodite, along with Samaria are both heavy symbols of immortal society's harsh criticism on those who simply don't give into the desires that are obviously in their face. 

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