Chapter 13 Analysis

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A new plan in session...

This analysis will be a bit shorter than usually because I have some things to do

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This analysis will be a bit shorter than usually because I have some things to do. So, I don't know if there will be an analysis for the next chapter but I will let you guys know!

I'm going to give a brief run down of what went on starting by Shadow and Thanatos' connection.

If you read in the Tales chapters, you would know that Shadow was gifted to Thanatos by his late father Erebus. He was essentially created from deep darkness and is a physical reflection of Thanatos' inner sentiments and thoughts. Meaning, depending on how Thanatos' mood is, is how Shadow acts.

Thanatos mentions that Shadow has been recently getting more and more restless and he usually needed something to do to distract him from become so reckless. A foreshadow to Thanatos' inner turmoil with his paranoia, how he can't sleep and the efforts he uses in order to push aside his problems of growing insanity.

Shadow in this case is like a warning meter of how long till Thanatos is going to blow. Like a bomb. I would assume Aurora will catch onto this detail on a later date and have to act fast to beat the time.

Moving along, Hypnos and Thanatos' interactions are growing more and more short as the chapters go by. Being the case that an argument usually breaks out between the two I'm not surprised that they mutually agreed in their own minds to keep their conversations short and quipped as too not break some glasses and tables.

Hypnos doesn't seem all that surprised that the meeting between him and Aurora didn't go as planned because he knows that his brother can be difficult to be around when you first meet him. However, since that plan became a fail at the start he could still save it by doing on thing.

If Thanatos wasn't going to get going with the girl, Hypnos will have to. Of course, Hypnos had no attraction as far as romantic feelings for Aurora other than he does find her beautiful and smart. Thanatos is right, Aurora is not his type. But what shakes Thanatos up is the fact that Hypnos acknowledges it and still goes through with it just to get her in his bed.

That makes Thanatos' blood run cold. He is the one to do that between the twins. Not Hypnos. So Thanatos takes the bait and is now regretting ever indulging Hypnos into even the thought fo getting with Aurora. And now he will have to face the consequences.

If you follow the Dawn series on Instagram, you will see in their stories that chapter 14 will skip to two weeks ahead. There will be a lot of time skips in this book due to the limited amount of chapters it has. Remember this is a parallel from the Red Dawn so it has the same amount of chapters it does. Time is a critical part and theme in this universe due to the ticking time bomb that is Thanatos' mental stability.

Actually Hypnos' plan is a small nod to the brief conversation in the Red Dawn when they reunited after 20 years. Hypnos didn't know the concept of Thanatos' relationship with Aurora. So naturally to see how Thanatos truly felt about the mortal girl, Hypnos pretended to take interest in her and Thanatos almost made him deep-throat his glass of whiskey. Confirming Hypnos' suspicions.

That was only a brief moment. Now, it's going to be for as long as Thanatos decides that he needs to make a fucking move and get his woman.

Alexus and Samaria. Two people with two opposite perspectives. They both symbolize the two sides that people see Thanatos as. Samaria is the populace adoration and praise, Alexus is the distrusting and dictator view of Thanatos' empire. They are both conflicting thoughts in Aurora's mind. She knows that Thanatos is a great ruler, something Samaria points out and Alexus begrudgingly agrees with. Aurora also knows he is a cocky bastard that Alexus points out he should not have tried to force himself on her, to which Samaria retorts that she doesn't know what he truly is like. Alexus repeats Samaria's argument right back at her as they bicker.

You see the resemblance they have to being the angel and the devil on Aurora's shoulders? Samaria is the angel that is speaking on behalf of Thanatos' good side and his perfections. Alexus is the fallen angel that is whispering in her ear how much of a tyrant he is and his treacherous rule is not worth it.

But they all are missing the key piece that they are bickering about. None of them actually know Thanatos. They don't know he has a romantic side. They don't know how much he suffers from insomnia and how much grief he deals with at the loss of his friends Apollo and Poseidon. They doing know how much pressure he has on his shoulders trying to keep the empire in tact all while pleading his toxic mother's demands.

Then Hypnos shows up to the party and then Alexus dips. As predicted, Aurora is not really fazed by his appearance and does not bow. He already realizes how much of a stubborn one she is.

The whole deal with this chapter is persuading Aurora into going along with this new thought out plan he has of development if a relationship with her to draw Thanatos out of his dark cave and finally start to get the process rolling. Coercing as the title says, means to persuade in any sense to get together on something.

Hypnos then explains his involvement which Aurora is incredulous by. Hypnos seems surprised at how forceful Aurora is being on herself by not giving into his brothers desires. Again, this plays into his views on how mortals are fools for not indulging themselves into their own desires and wants.

However, I think it's important he understands that Aurora's stubbornness is a key move in the strength of their relationship. It ensures Thanatos' sufficiency in the relationship and that fact that he will take it as seriously as it needs to be for it to work out. Aurora is going to make him sweat bullets before he can even think about getting into bed with her.

He will need to prove himself a lot that he is forever for her. But it's also Aurora that needs to see that Thanatos isn't what she perceives him to be as. Both conflicting tones in the two people. Poor Hypnos. He's going to be smacking his forehead so much at his brother's antics that his head will go red.

Now there's a few problems with Hypnos' and Aurora's "relationship". The main one besides Thanatos' prodding is Alexus. She's not going to be happy that her love interest and former 'ex', well they weren't even a fling so, are getting together. She will definitely speak to Nyx about this. And also act heartbroken and try to influence Aurora away from the twins as much as possible.

Aye yai yai. The drama sometimes becomes too much for even a reader like me.

What did you think of this chapter? Any thoughts?

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Let's see where chapter 14 takes us this time...

See you guys next time!

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