Chromaticity Chronicles (4)

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(4)  Emerald Jingles, Orange Suave

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(4)  Emerald Jingles, Orange Suave

He loved it when she danced for him.

The room was dunked in a sheen of smoke and fervor. The plumes of vapor that slithered through the air like breathless ribbons crawled around the room.

An inhaled breathe swirled in the silence. The cigar that hung from the God's lips held a tiny inferno. The ashes with which it held only sparked when a husky voice spoke.

There were no words, not ones that he could hear anyways. All was focused on the glossy landscape of full lips that pouted with sensual resolves and the curve of hips that swayed with the waves of stormy seas. Orange eyes slanted as the slight jingle of bells dinged in his ears.

Trita smiled as she rotated herself on the lone chair in the middle of the room, her audience tucked away in the dark corner with loosening restraint and crumbling ashes. Her body shimmered under the dark grey lantern above her. The body oils applied themselves onto the curve of her back and hips, liquid heat that salivated Hypnos' half bitten lip.

It had a rough day, so much annoyances. His brother being the giant bother that he was, always violating Hypnos' eyes to his overly concentrated mission on making Aurora's lips as swollen as a ripe apple. Then Poseidon with his usual antics of drinking with the Sun until one of them had to leave. And the Sun had a lot of time on its hands.

Apollo did whatever he wanted. That in itself caused his blood to heat up like magma as the Emperor sashayed around with his ostentatious presence. So much gold on his head it nearly blinded Sleep when he talked to him about something.

Yet, Trita picked up on his sour mood and decided to get things into her own hands. It had been a while since Hypnos had gotten a proper treat. And he has been this past few weeks, why not reward him for dealing with all the displeasures.

And here they were.

The coin belt that was slung around the shapely hips of the Emerald Temptress jingled softly as she gravitated up and over to the dark corner of her lover.

He watched her slowly approach him. Letting the light catch the jewels adorning her bikini top and skirt. Hypnos grumbled softly as tan legs wrapped themselves around his waist.

She gently grasped his head in her ringed fingers. The silver accessories made those orange eyes pop so deliciously, like plump oranges for the picking.  She whispered something and Hypnos was drunk on the liquor of her words, wrapping his muscled arms around her waist.

"What would you like to indulge in Sir Sleeps A lot ?" Hypnos rolled his eyes at the nickname she had recently began labeling him as. It was bad enough that Thanatos calls him Hippo on a daily basis. But...

He gazed down at the emerald forest that was his to take care of. To water and watch it grow and prosper to a healthy lush as it should be. He will make an exception for her. Only her.

"I assume I have some options?" He purred, a deep sensation that flowed from his chest to hers, making her shudder. Trita gulped and her cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink before she steeled herself.

Grabbing his hand, she directed his large palm onto the cushion of her breast. Hypnos' blonde eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

Trita shallowed thickly and then grasped his other hand as it disposed the used cigar. This time, she positioned his hand on her thigh. "You have two options," She instructed. Hypnos was all ears.

"Either one goes North with the added trade of heat, or one can go South..." She inhaled sharply when she felt one of his palms move. "That one is known as the passage that burns its travelers with its boiling fever. Which will you choice, my prince?"

The God of Sleep paused and then wondered for a moment. But Trita knew better, it was all a show. She felt a thin needle of heat shoot throw her core when his hand on her thigh trailed slowly upwards to wrap his thick fingers around her leg. He traveled his other hand that was now fondling her bosom to her hip.

Panting, Trita leaned her head to the side as Hypnos invaded her neck and shoulder with pecks and nips. The silk of her slitted skirt burned Trita's skin as Hypnos' hands crawled togetehr in sync. A squeal escaped her when he bit down particularly hard on her jugular.

"Ass." She moaned when he came up to press his lips to hers.

Hypnos chuckled, "Your ass."

He fiddled with her coin belt, letting the clashing sounds of the metal appendages soothe his mind and then trailed the beginning of her leg slit.

And then paused.

Hypnos scrunched his forehead in confusion when his hands climbed under her skirt and be met with nothing.

Nothing but bare skin.

Oh my....

Trita could feel him grin something ferocious as he pulled away from her mouth to look at her.

"My, a present already unwrapped for me? You shouldn't have..."

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