Chapter 17 Analysis

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PSA: A good remedy for a hangover is an orange ginger smoothie, if only Aurora could acquire that knowledge before this chapter came....

PSA: A good remedy for a hangover is an orange ginger smoothie, if only Aurora could acquire that knowledge before this chapter came

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Aurora wakes up, Aurora is puzzled, Aurora finds a 'sleeping' beast mumbling her name in his sleep.

Of course he was awake the entire time. What a player.

Anyways, Aurora is in utter disbelief with how she acted the night before and doesn't trust Thanatos' explanations of her sudden advancement on him. Much to her embarrassment it did.

"Why on earth was my first kiss with him a complete blank?"

Aurora's anger of the blurred memory of their first kiss indicates her true sentiments of sharing intimate acts with Thanatos. She wants to remember their first kiss, wants to remember the passion and delicacy that went behind it if there were any. But that's a secret she would never tell a soul, that she's upset that she doesn't remember their kiss.

But Thanatos does, and he's a happy man for what that disaster of a night gave him. He also acquired some knowledge that shouldn't have been said by his angel, as well as the feelings she has towards him.

A polite Eris is deeply unnerving.

With Hemera's thoughts, she still isn't aware of the plan between Aurora and Hypnos, and will probably find out sooner or later but makes a great discovery.

She is going over the events that happened at the party and dissecting Thanatos' behavior towards Aurora. She is curious as to why he is so enamored with her that he would steal her away from Hypnos. It is also confirmed by her that he would never want to cause Hypnos any pain by betrayal since he does respect him as his best friend and brother.

And then it hits her.

Her brother, Thanatos- the emperor of all lands, ruler of the world and most powerful god to have ever exist- is in love with a mortal woman.

And she is overjoyed with the fact.

Before we go into detail about that, lets look at this line,

"She liked it black and without sugar, just like Thanatos."

Eris definitely picks her routines and habits based off of what Thanatos does. She wants to be his female counterpart of him so bad that she copies his interests in hopes of seeming like the perfect woman who is the parallel to Thanatos. Ugh.

She is also not a very good liar compared to her older siblings, given with the fact that they all know her well enough that she finds no interest in anyone else's business but hers. So when her sudden questioning about the dinner last night made Hemera stand to attention.

Eris can not find out about Aurora. Ever.

Hemera knows this much and since her findings about Thanatos' true intentions towards the mortal woman she knew she would have to lie to her sister about the meaning of the dinner. If Eris heard word of Thanatos genuinely taking fancy to a woman, a mortal no less, Eris would be furious and would want to kill her.

Hemera already sees Aurora as a friend now, and will most likely be kept in the loop of the plan to get Thanatos and Aurora together. Number one reason is that this will give the extra push and final decision for Thanatos to overthrow his mother's wishes and cancel the wedding in favor of being with his true love. The second reason is because Hemera wants her brother to be happy, and have someone there for him as he has for others. And is Aurora is that someone, she will do whatever it takes for them to realize that they are each other's person.

A few problems though arise from this union. The biggest opponent would be Nyx and Eris. Alexus is on that list but would be in the second tier to worry about.

Nyx is firm on setting Thanatos up with one of his sisters and Hemera is the best so she is the option. She also does not hold a liking to mortals so she will be extremely angry at Thanatos for falling for some mortal girl. Saying that he would stoop so low to have affections for a creature that is beneath him.

Eris would be the same way, but only with the thinking that she is the one to be his bride, not Aurora. Eris would be heartbroken and furious that her brother chose a mortal over her.

So Hemera's lie wasn't the most thought out but she leaves quickly before Eris asks for more information. A plan will soon be thought out to break up her wedding, and Aurora is the key factor within it.

"I'm an emperor- a new breed. I stay."

Seems like Aurora touched up on a nerve there.

So the plan exploded in all of their faces and now Thanatos knows. This will put a strain on his friendship to Hypnos.

But the fact that Aurora asked when Thanatos will go unnerved him. She thought he has an expiration date, he thinks he is a jar of honey. Both are equally wrong and right.

Aurora is wrong on Thanatos having a limit to his rein but is also right about it because if she helps him, his rule will stay in line forever, but if she doesn't- her words will ring true that he will set fire to the world. Thanatos is correct that his has a eternity of time on the throne, IF Aurora helps him figure out his issues and cope, but if not, then his words are false to the fact that he will stay forever.

Such conflicting tones.

Then arguing  starts, and what do you know, a ferocious make out bursts ablaze.

Heh. "Whereas, this kiss felt like a cardinal sin."

If you didn't know, 'cardinal sin' is one of  the title chapters of the Red Dawn. Parallels people, parallels. This also reminds me of the chapter, "A Plea in Crimson". Here, the sexual tension rises to a boiling point- literally. Thanatos stuffs him and Aurora under her duvet and nip at each others faces while spatting insults at each other.

Ah, and they say romance is dead.

I wonder what that chapter would look like in this version? Or what color of black will be replaced from the red...

And Thanatos surprised Aurora by saying that their first lesson is tomorrow. She thought he was done with her, that he never wanted to see her again.

But oh no. Thanatos never gives up on a challenge. More specifically, he never lets go of what's his.

And Devita said that the next chapter would be a confrontation one. I'm thinking two theories.

One is that Eris tries to confront one of the twins, more so Thanatos about the dinner party and what happened, or two Thanatos confronts Hypnos about going behind his back and going along with Hecate's delusions.

And then hopefully Hypnos would be able to make Thanatos' eyes open to what's in front of him and see the reasoning behind it.

And then hopefully Hypnos would be able to make Thanatos' eyes open to what's in front of him and see the reasoning behind it

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Literally over it all.

Will Aurora be able to survive her first lesson with the monstrous beast of an emperor? Will Thanatos and Hypnos get into a fist fight over the plan? What is Eris up to now? And most importantly, did Hypnos curse Thanatos to the high heavens for his dreaded hangover?

More on those things coming up in chapter 18!

Stay tune folks, the fun has just started.

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