Chapter 22 Analysis

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It's getting awfully hot in here...

Alright! A short analysis for this— sweltering chapter

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Alright! A short analysis for this— sweltering chapter.

Notice the similarities between Aurora's difficulty in avoiding temptation and the classic Greek myth of Pandora's box!

For some insight, Pandora's box was a about a young woman who Zeus created after the fact that Prometheus went against his orders and gave mortals the first spark of fire. Enraged, he punished Prometheus, and it is said that his punishment is considered the worst that Zeus has ever given to someone.

Moving along, Zeus created Pandora as the first of a race of woman. She would be the downfall to all of humanity. Zeus then her sent as a gift to Prometheus' brother, Epimetheus, who completely ignored his brothers warnings of never accepting any of Zeus' gifts. However, in Epimetheus' possession, there was a jar that contained every trouble known to humanity, sickness, strife, toil, among other horrible aspects to life.

As Zeus did create Pandora, he also had control over her personality and made her into a woman that could not resist temptation. She didn't know what laid within the jar and the curiosity burned within her. So, she couldn't take it anymore and peeked inside, letting loose all the chaotic disruptions to human kind.

Pandora was the end of the Golden Age of humanity.

"A present which seems valuable but which in reality is a curse."

Do I think that Aurora should have drunk that potion? No.  But for the sake of the plot to get moving towards the desired end, Aurora must make mistakes in indulging temptation.

Temptation is a natural order of corruption within each and everyone of ourselves that is either locked in a vault, or freely reigning our lives.

And looks like Aurora had Pandora take over her brain for a bit. Then she saw it all.

What really went on that night, and then to her horror, she realized that Thanatos was right. She did try to seduce him but he didn't fall into her desires, even though he so plainly wanted to indulge in them. This brings confusion to Aurora.

She is still thinking there is an utter motive to him rejecting her, not for a second thinking that it was just because of he's morals kicking in. And then the subtle insecurity of her being a mortal and him being a god come into play.

But then she realizes, how good it felt to kiss him, and how ashamed she was at drinking that potion and how good she felt to do so.

Going to Thanatos, of course he put a trigger in the potion to get notified when she drunk it. And was he satisfied.

Aphrodite and Thanatos' scene made me kind of sick, mostly because I'm so used to him showing his upmost attention to Aurora. Plus it's weird since they never had anything going on in the Red Dawn.

Also notice that they (Aurora and Thanatos)  have the same reaction as to the end of their little thoughts about each other in pleasuring themselves, indulging in their desires in secret.

Literally parallels.

Anyways, do I think that Aurora will go to the lesson in the morning? Possibly. She did think about the magic she could acquire after her little high and it intrigued her to think that she will be able to do so.

So it's a maybe. Either that or something or someone will make her.

Alright, so the train is moving along

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Alright, so the train is moving along.

Let's see what Part 2 has in store for us.

Hopefully another heated argument...


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