Intoxicating Lapis Aphrodisia

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Heh... Surprise..?

In an effort to distract his twin from his debilitating schedule, Hypnos takes him to a high end club in the mortal realm for a nice night of whiskey on the rocks. However, instead of getting drunk on the peppery copper glasses on the table, Thanatos finds himself to be more intoxicated with the Lapis orbs that gazed mindlessly on the other side of the room...

 However, instead of getting drunk on the peppery copper glasses on the table, Thanatos finds himself to be more intoxicated with the Lapis orbs that gazed mindlessly on the other side of the room

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"Brother, for the love of Gaia and all of her humid, overgrown jungles, just at least consider the idea before you shut it down like a Toys R Us factory!"

"What the fuck is a 'Toys R Us'? Never mind, I don't want to know. Now let me be."

Hypnos' brow twitched. The blonde hairs vibrated in agitation as he looked onto his darker half sitting at his desk. The same desk where he saw Thanatos sit in for the past month and a half or so. Without any breaks whatsoever.

"Thanatos, I'm pretty sure you've been sitting in that chair for so long that your ass imprint is permanently stitched into the cushion."

Looking up from the numerous scrolls sprawled over the mahogany desk, Thanatos flashed his twin a smile full of pearly whites- and it wasn't the nice kind. "Brother, I'm pretty sure your incessant whining has been enduringly pinned in my ear drums."

Gazing back down at the documents, he dismissed him curtly, "Now get out."

But Hypnos would not relent to his brother's commands. Not when his mental and physical state is at stake. "Thanatos, come on! You can not live like this-"

"Been doing it for over 4,000 years, I can do it for a couple more."

"-Do you even know what you look like? You look like-"

"A devilishly handsome son of a bitch."

"-Like, like a Alitis! It's honestly the lowest point I've seen you in a while."

A brief moment of silence swept over them. They both glared at each other, orange clashing with red. Suddenly, a loud bang resounded throughout the office when Thanatos slammed his hand down on the table. The blow was so hard the wood splintered into deep, veiny cracks.

"A hobo?!" The monstrous snarl that fumed from Thanatos' lips warned Hypnos of just who he was dealing with. The impatient, deadly, and infuriating God of Death. But this was his brother, so of course he looked passed that.

"Yes, a hobo! Those dark circles under your eyes give tribute to that." He shot back. He took this moment to inspect Thanatos' face, and honestly he has seen better days. His usually bronze complexion has mellowed down into a dull copper while his eyes looked swollen and heaving so much exhaustion that it even made Hypnos himself want to collapse. The dark bags underneath his eyes laid there heavy and discolored. They looked like dancing shadows around his eyesight.

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