Chapter 20 Analysis

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The train's moving...

Starting off, Thanatos yet again sent another person to Aurora, this time to not fetch but give her- a gift

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Starting off, Thanatos yet again sent another person to Aurora, this time to not fetch but give her- a gift. Ultimately arising Aurora's suspicions. This time, he sends his most trusted butler, Opis. Opis is definitely a character that, like Persephone, have a kind and comforting nature. Unknowingly or not, Thanatos is trying to get Aurora to untense and start warming up to people relating to the palace. If Aurora starts accepting the inhabitants, then that means sooner or later, she will accept him and for him to successfully seduce her.

But, now he's learned his lesson- semi. Don't send his 'lover' even if its not true in real life and just a rumor to the story. He properly sends his head servant. The head servant of every staff to be sent to deliver something to someone is usually of great honor. They sent their most trusted servant to deliver something hopefully important to you, so feel honored that they are taking time away from their day to present this gift to you.

Kings and Queens of medieval times usually sent their head staff to deliver a message, it could be extremely good or gravely bad.

Regarding Hecate's disappointment in Aurora, its understandable- however I think she put too much faith in this particular plan, and in Aurora. I'm not saying that Aurora isn't loyal to the plan (semi), but Hecate can have a difficult time trying to see the perspective of others, other than herself. Remember she can see into the future, so she probably already knew that Aurora will spill out the plan. Either intentionally or not. However, with seeing into the future- Hecate already knows the story plot to some extent and expects complete cooperation of those involved in that time plot. She doesn't understand why they do not go along with her vision and instead go against.

She in unknowingly forcing them away from their fate, instead of leading them down the straight path, she just drifts them down a different path. Unintentionally, of course. Hecate doesn't understand why Aurora can't just follow along with the plan and just give in her and Thanatos' wants. She and other are not dolls, nor are they puppets. They have real, complex emotions and of course when they a rope of destiny tie a rope around their neck, their first instinct is to deny it.

The notion of time is coherent, however, out of all the people, Hecate should know that with patience- everything will go the way it should. Let the line curve at every land mark, gaining a check point and let fate do the rest. She was trying too hard to complete this mission to fast. Their collision was disastrous and now they have to deal with Thanatos on their tail and seducing Aurora.

Aurora is ashamed of her disloyalty to the plan, blaming herself to entering his chambers and getting drunk. She never meant to do it unintentionally. However, now that this has all unraveled, what could she do now? She has to fend off the wolf by herself. And what's even worse? She cares about his opinion of her. And he called her a 'wicked treat.'

Back to the encounter with Opis, let's talk about the symbolism with diamonds. The beautiful gem is a symbol of luxury, and wealth. However, their most notable meaning is purity and innocence. He chose a gemstone that has a connection to the receiver of the gift. Thought, there's a problem with that.

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