Chapter 6 Analysis

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This chapter's title makes my mouth acidic.

This chapter's title makes my mouth acidic

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Ok. Well. Cronus is here!
He hasn't changed much- at all. Kind of sad that even in this universe he isn't winning at all.

No it isn't, I'm lying.

Cronus is a very complex individual to understand. He is mad and clinically insane and knows how to get under someone's skin. In this case, Thanatos.

We get an interesting detail about Cronus and Thanatos' relationship. Cronus wanted Thanatos as his heir. Not his son, Zeus.

Honestly the amount of fear this man has of his children makes it look like they are the monsters and not him. But anyways, Cronus had always been afraid of having his power ripped away from him, by his own children as the prophecy told. Of course Cronus as always had loose springs but after learning this little fact, he went berserk to the max.

That was his down fall from the beginning, being afraid of fate and trying to change it. He isn't the only one to have fallen in such a way.

He wouldn't want any of his offspring near the throne, not when in the back of his mind he knows that one of them is planning to sink a knife through his heart. So he knows Thanatos is better off for the throne. He knows it just as much as everyone else.

Let's take a look at the amusing conversation Conus has with Thanatos about women. It must be common knowledge of type Thanatos has. Cronus has been trapped down there for so long and even he is able to figure it out. What does this say about Thanatos?

He's type is blonde, blue eyes, intelligent, has humor, and passionate. All things that he become obsessed with once he lays his eyes on Aurora.

Hypnos pointed it out earlier that she was his type. So it is confirmed that he will garner an instant attraction towards the blonde beauty, but how long will it last until another form of lust is introduced to the playing table? One where not even Thanatos imagined to feel towards another person that wasn't his family...

Moving along, Thanatos is looking for Cronus' sickle. I mean, he has to have a reason for going down there. Thanatos doesn't really like visiting the residents...

What could this mean? Can Thanatos possibly need it for the sake of safety? To make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands? The sickle was used to kill a majority of the gods in the Red Dawn. So it is a dangerous, dangerous weapon.

Or could Thanatos possibly need it for something else? Does the sickle acquire a special ability that is not widely known? Does Thanatos need it for something?

We'll just have to find out and see.

Cronus taunts Thanatos, he knows how much he avoids Tartarus not because of him, but because of his son, Zeus and the others that Thanatos murdered.

Again, it better proves the suppressed guilt that he has been hiding for centuries. Not healthy.

He needs to let go. There's only so much time he can delve on the past, and he is at his limit. The murders have affected him so much more than anyone expect, since he is Death after all.

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