Chapter 23 Analysis

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Nyx's Sense Of Style

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Nyx's Sense Of Style

Nyx's interior designer might have had a whirl with decorating her chambers, that's for sure.

The night's style is... extravagant to say the least. She loves to show case her wealth and power through materialistic means. Just look at the wine glasses, which usually wouldn't be that much of a thing to make out of, since it was either craved from gold or silver. However, Nyx chose to make it out of the best crystal glass.

When Thanatos says he got a trait for theatre from her, he didn't only mean the sense of style.

He does like the finer things in life, however Nyx's style differs from his luxurious taste. Nyx takes it to the tier top of the cake with everything he does that everything needs to be made from the best for the best. Thanatos would not mind if his wine chalices were just gold and silver, as long as they had whiskey or wine in them, then he is good. He also doesn't like the over top style, for him it would be impersonal and just for show.

For Nyx, that's the whole point. She wants to showcase everything she is able to afford, Thanatos is just quite fine with a palace and the title of Emperor to state his wealth.

Now, back to the theatrics comment, the acting.

Thanatos got his deception trait from Nyx, that's for sure. If you look back at the Tales chapter, Violent Nights, then you would see Thanatos exactly describing Nyx in her element of deception reality into a delusion, a disillusion that her sons actually cared for her and their acting of being devoted to their mother was real.

That whole act was for the case of an audience and momentarily herself. Thanatos would have never let her run her hand through his hair. He would have never shown her that much 'respect' if it wasn't for the masses watching so intently at the motherly love display. But Thanatos taught himself to lie between his teeth with ease. And he bared through it, and so did Hypnos.

Thanatos got a lot of his traits from his mother, even if he never wants to admit it...

Inky Peacocks

The fact that Nyx actually took it a step further and dyed Hera's peacocks black boggles me of how much vengeful energy this woman has.

The peacock is the ultimate symbol of Hera, the former Queen of Olympus. They represent her as the Goddess of Marriage for carrying omens of nobility, guidance, holiness, watchfulness, and protection. That being said, it is Hera's job to overlook the unions between mortals and gods alike. Protecting them and making sure the marriage is fair and just is her duty, so the peacock is a perfect animal to uphold that sentiment.

Now, it is bare and tainted in a act of vengefulness from a goddess who simply can not let go for the life of her.

Kind of ironic that her own marriage couldn't be protected though...

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