Sickly Yellow Blooms Part 1

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Holler Biotches!

You're probably surprised getting a notification from my ass after so long since I disappeared from the face of the fucking planet for a few weeks.

But I'm back!

A few weeks ago I ended my first year of high school (thank god). But around that time I was SUPER unmotivated, so I was inactive. Anyways I just got back from a two-week long vacation (Chaos knows I needed it) and I'm ready to get back into writing.

Now that summer is here embracing me into its sunny arms- blah, I have more time to write for you peeps.

Just kidding, I'm a sunshine child of course. Though the darkness is very comforting at times...

I know I promised you all an Easter chapter, but I'm going to have to put that on hold for a while, at least until I get more ideas as too what to write.

I know, I know, I'm terrible. This little chapter just came into my head a few days ago, and I haven't updated in a while so I decided to just post this one so I don't deprive you guys of your dosage of Thany and Rora.

I'm going to be a bit more offline with this book than usual, the reason being is that my other book- The New Norm, has some very complicated and intricate chapters coming up that I want to take my time writing so they will be suitable for my mind.

If I get any more ideas for this book I'm going to write up quick chapters for them here, so prepare for a snippy hiatus (not that you haven't had one already).

Enough my talking let's get on to this sick chapter! (I hate myself).

Enough my talking let's get on to this sick chapter! (I hate myself)

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Spring was in full bloom.

With its freshening breezes and pollen powdered flowers, it was passing its warm sunlight throughout parts of the world to let them escape from the dreary winter.

Though it wasn't just Earth that had gotten a taste of this season's budding beginnings...

Though it wasn't just Earth that had gotten a taste of this season's budding beginnings

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The loud sneeze was like a boom as it echoed all throughout the stone palace.

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